Dr Urfan Zahoor Ahmed attending the European Commission’s Conference

Report : Ansar Iqbal Basra (Sweden)

Today Dr Urfan Zahoor Ahmed attending the European Commission’s conference on ‘Freedom of religion with regard to religious slaughter’ in order to ‘facilitate, the exchange of practices between public authorities and Jewish and Muslim communities regarding slaughter based on religious traditions, drawing on the experience of international organisations such as the UN, OSCE-ODIHR and the Council of Europe’, as indicated in its EU Antisemitism Strategy.

Linked to the dialogue with ‘Churches, religious communities and non-confessional organisations’, the conference aims to address the issue of religious slaughter and raise awareness about the importance and significance of this tradition for Jewish and Muslim communities. Moreover, its goal is to facilitate an exchange of best practices and allow an open dialogue between public authorities and Jewish and Muslim communities.

The conference will bring together representatives of international organisations as well as some of their Member States, representatives of EU Member States authorities, representatives of Jewish and Muslim communities and international organisations, experts, researchers and academia, as well as EU Institutions officials.

I’m representing the biggest Muslim umbrella organisation in Denmark ‘Danish Muslim Union’, where Minhaj-ul-Quran International Denmark is founding member.

All of this is possible due to the very clear vision, our Quaideen have been giving us for many years. AlhamduLillah.

May Allah subḥānahu wa’taala give us istaqamah on this sacred mission and may we work for it with sincerity. Ameen.

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