President POC Ireland Rana Usman Ajmal attended the commemoration of the Good Friday Agreement

Dublin, Ireland (Report : Atif Bangash/ President Rana Usman Ajmal of Pakistan Overseas Community (POC) Ireland attended the commemoration of the Good Friday Agreement hosted by the Fianna Fáil on Thursday 6th April 2023. The POC President expressed his admiration for the agreement, describing it as a historic achievement and a remarkable political commitment that brought about the resolution of the conflict between Northern Ireland, Great Britain, and Ireland, saving thousands of lives and giving Northern Ireland a new identity.

Mr. Rana also emphasized the need for political leaders worldwide to learn from the Good Friday Agreement’s success and implement similar principles in resolving conflicts such as Palestine and Kashmir, leading to lasting peace in these regions.

He also took the opportunity to express his gratitude towards Micheál Martin, Tánaiste, Minister for Foreign Affairs and Minister for Defence, for the generous support he extended to Pakistan during its current challenging times. He thanked the minister on behalf of Pakistani Community and the POC, underscoring the importance of international solidarity in facing global crises.

The commemoration was a solemn event that reminded attendees of the importance of peace, unity, and solidarity in overcoming conflict and promoting progress. POC presence added depth to the commemoration, highlighting the Good Friday Agreement’s success and calling for political leaders worldwide to follow its example.

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