Washington, D.C. July 14, 2024 (TW) __ An important meeting was held at the residence of Sardar Zarif Khan to discuss the possibility of holding a peaceful protest on August 5, 2024 – the day which cast ominous shadow to panic when Narendra Modi abrogated Article 370 & 35 A on August 5, 2019, a decision which was rejected not only by Kashmiri global diaspora but also by Antonio Guterres, the Secretary General of the United Nations.
The abrogation was in open contravention of UN resolution #122 adopted on January 24, 1957; # 123 adopted on February 21, 1957, and # 126 adopted on December 2, 1957. These resolutions prohibit any unilateral action to change the disputed nature of the State of Jammu and Kashmir. Mr. Guterres said on August 8, 2019, that Kashmir issue has to be resolved under UN Charter and under applicable UN Security Council resolutions.

These protest and demonstrations need to be continued for following reasons: India has created a well-oiled propaganda machinery at a global level. These agencies are persistently spreading the word that everything is hunky dory in occupied Kashmir. That misperception needs to be countered and holding publicized rallies on this day is a step in that direction. Second, there may be elements in our ranks who have given way to dismay due to India’s belligerent attitude and malicious propaganda.
We need to shake them up and convey to them that there are examples in history where battle for freedom suffers severe bottle necks and cause appears to be lost. We have to gather ourselves and fight it out not in a foolhardy manner but with grit, determination, vigor, valor and appropriate strategy.
Those who attended the meeting included: Dr. Ghulam Nabi Fai, Sardar Zarif Khan, Raja Liaqat Kayani, Sardar Zulfiqar Roshan Khan, Sardar Zubair Khan, Sardar Shoaib Irshad, Raja Suhail Saleem, Dr. Muhammad.
Later on, Dr. Muhammad who also attended the meeting and who visited Sardar Zarif before the surgery, during the surgery, after the surgery, at the Rehab Center and now at his residence, provided the chronological account of the treatment and response of Zarif Sahab in these words:
“Brother Zarif initially started with abdominal issues consisting mainly of bloating. He was investigated thoroughly for this complaint. This investigation included Cat Scan of abdomen and Colonoscopy indicating absence of any significant Gut problems. Zarif Sahab then developed numbness in his legs and abdominal wall followed by weakness in his legs.
He Consulted Neurology service and had extensive testing done including MRI of spine. MRI showed diffuse disc problem including protrusion of few discs in his Thoracic and Lumbar spine. The Thoracic spine disc problem was thought to be the most significant by Neurosurgery after consultation.”
Dr. Muhammad added that, “All involved in the health management of Zarif Sahab recommended that he should undergo Thoracic spine surgery which he eventually did. His postoperative course was mainly uneventful, and he was discharged to Rehab Center. Later Zarif Sahib developed lazy bowels (Ileus) and was again admitted to the hospital.
After an improvement he was again sent to Rehab where he spent almost three weeks and now Alhamdulliah, he is home after he has shown progressive improvement. He still has a long way to go. His progress, however, can be assessed by the fact that he was not able to move his legs soon after the surgery but now he is not only moving his lower limbs but also is able to lift them from the ground as well.
Dr. Ghulam Nabi Fai said that Kashmiri American community is missing the professionalism and dedication of Sardar Zarif Khan in organizing any event on the subject of Kashmir. Everyone is requested to keep Zarif Sahib in their Du’a so that Allah (SWT) grants him full recovery and he resumes his normal activities. Aameen.”
Dr. Fai is the Secretary General, World Kashmir Awareness Forum.
He can be reached at: WhatsApp: 1-202-607-6435. Or. [email protected]