Nelson Mandela Day Celebration 2024 – honouring the father of Peace in South Africa

-A man loved across all cultures-
Community and religious leaders gathered to celebrate International Nelson Mandela Day 2024, shining the light on a man who fiercely believed in equality, justice and freedom for all.

Imprisoned for 27 years for his beliefs, his mind never stopped working and planning for peace. On his release, he showed true forgiveness for his oppressors and went on to unite a racially divided country and brought equality to the world.

The event co-hosted by the London Church of Scientology, saw representatives from the Latin American, Yemen, Indian, Pakistani, Columbian, African and English communities who were inspired by speeches, music and archive videos of Mandela himself speaking at the United Nations.

The honoured guest speaker was Ada Gartenmann, a United Nations winner of UNO Excellence Award 2022 spoke about her inspiration to set up SIMA – ‘She Inspires Me Awards’. Ada was born in Nicaragua, and decided at a very young age to help people. She devoted her life to motivating, inspiring and teaching leadership and recognises individuals through her humanitarian awards programme. Her story was heartfelt and genuine, many people came to the stage to speak of her self-less work, care and love for others. Her work is a reminder to all of us that just one individual has the power to make change in the world.

Ada said ‘Being fair is having the ability to distinguish good from evil, so we can experience Peace with ourselves and others’

Dr Yehoeshahfaht Ben Israel, Principal European Envoy of the Hebrew Israelites of Jerusalem, gave a presentation called ‘Madiba Nelson Mandela and Ubuntu, that examined what sustained the Mandela focus and character during South Africa’s freedom struggle and the African social value of Ubuntu, that played a major and defining role in the Mandela legacy.

The musical element was supplied by vibrant performing arts group ‘Bantu Arts’, who thrilled the audience with traditional African folklore drumming and song, including ‘Jambo’ (Swahili greeting) . Guests were delighted and responded by dancing united with the sounds of Africa.

Ali Javed, Director Stop the Trafficking and Founder of a Better Tomorrow Alliance, honoured Mandela’s transformative journey from prisoner to president and said ‘Mandela Day reminds us that through hope, perseverance and unity we can confront oppression at all levels and build a better tomorrow.’

Contributions were made from Dr Saf Buxy, Ambassador for Peace, Universal Peace Federation and author who spoke about the fundamental pillars of a just society: equality and freedom. Dr Saf said ‘Nelson Mandela for me is a man who focussed on dialogue and advocacy. He is a survivor of racism, abuse and oppression and I can personally relate to all three as he has inspired me to thrive in the face of adversity. What a Man!!!’

Tracey Coleman, Community Affairs Director, at the Church of Scientology showcased Youth for Human Rights education materials, which teach young people their 30 human rights. The ‘What Are Human Rights booklets?’ and Educator Guides are available in 17 languages and all materials are available to anyone in the community who wants to raise awareness of Human Rights in their zone.

The event concluded with photos, networking and friendship – continuing the legacy of Nelson Mandela.

Chairman Global Pak Kashmir Supreme Council Raja Sikander Khan was also invited at this prestigious event by Community Affairs Director Tracey Coleman.

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