Commemorative farewell ceremony in honor of Ambassador of Phillipine Ambassador Irene Susan B

Organized by Marizel Rojas in Vienna Austria.

VIENNA : Commemorative farewell ceremony in honor of Ambassador of Phillipine Ambassador Irene Susan B
organized by Marizel Rojas in Vienna Austria on Thursday 23 February 2023, 18:00 in Sissi Brāu Restaurant, Donauplex. Marizel Rojas organized a memorable farewell ceremony in honor of Honorable Ambassador of Ambassador of Phillipine Ambassador Irene Susan B which was attended by a record number of Phillipine community in Austria. – Marizel Rojas performed the duties of hosting the ceremony in a very beautiful manner and proved once again that she has no equal in the field of comping in Austria, especially the personalities on the stage.

But before inviting, she chooses poems in such an effective way that the whole outline of the personality comes to mind, even if she does not mention the name, it is understood which personality she is inviting. Honorable Ambassador of Phillipien came on the stage amid applause, in her speech She thanked the Marizel Rojas from her heart for organizing a very wonderful and memorable event in her honor at a short notice. Arranged, now they really realize that they are going.

She has gathered the entire community under one roof, Hafiz Marizel Rojas has the honor of organizing the biggest event at a very short notice. Served as Ambassador of Phillipine in Austria for almost three and a half years, the time spent in Austria will always be remembered, I am deeply grateful to those who have paid tribute to me in beautiful words, the community has always given a great response. H E Ambassador further said that she had very good relations with all the Philippines organizations, she used to try to participate in the programs of all the organizations, if she could not participate in any program, it could be due to official engagements.

The time spent in Austria will always be remembered. She further said that the embassy would like to pay tribute to the officers and staff of the Philippines who are busy day and night to serve the community. The staff of the embassy who always supported and guided me. After She also paid tribute to the Philippines media based in Austria and International Media specially Muhammad Amir Siddique who are available at all times and are selflessly serving the community.

Deferent of speakers came to the microphone amid applause, they thanked the Honorable Ambassador for accepting today invitation. Representing Organizations that participated in the program included: FilCom and International Organizations such as PE, BSA, ENFiD-Austria, PACES, VIC Club Filipino, VIC GPF, Sentro, ANEA, Babaylan Austria, BAFAA, Barangay Center, CFAA,EVA Air, FPKF,Foklorico Filipino Vienna, FVAA, Igorot Austria, ICA, KBA, KBA NOe, MAA, PinoyRelax, Rambak Austrai, UNCAV, VFA, WFWP.

They thanked the participants who came at very short notice today. This is not our perfection are within reach, people will always remember Ambassador them. All the guests took turns to pay tribute to the Ambassador for his outstanding service to the community. She served the community selflessly and was available to the community 24 hours a day.

At the end, His Excellency the Ambassador of the Philippines was presented with gifts and commemorative shields from the various committees of the Philippines on services to the community. At the end of the event, a sumptuous dinner was also organized for the participants.

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