A group of students from Vienna Diplomatic Academy visited Embassy of Pakistan in Vienna

A group of students from Vienna Diplomatic Academy visited Embassy of Pakistan in Vienna. H.E. Mr. Aftab Ahmad Khokher, Ambassador of Pakistan to Austria, briefed the students on political and economic issues of South Asia.

The Ambassador provided a comprehensive account of dynamics and foreign policy challenges of Pakistan. He reiterated Pakistan’s desire to have constructive and friendly relations with all countries and highlighted the importance of Pak-US relations.

The Ambassador also mentioned gross human rights violations in Indian Illegally Occupied Kashmir (IIOKJ). He added that Kashmir is the longest unresolved agenda of United Nations Security Council. He emphasized that India cannot forcibly deny the right of self-determination to the people of Kashmir.

He added that the international community must act to prevent further abuse of Human Rights in IIOJK. The Ambassador underscored the need for international community’s continued engagement with Afghanistan. He stressed the need to de-hyphen humanitarian support to Afghan people from politics and sanctions.

The Ambassador also mentioned Pakistan’s role in regional development and connectivity. He stated that CPEC, the flagship project under BRI is a game changer and is playing an instrumental role in regional connectivity. The briefing was followed by Q & A Session.

Responding to participants questions Ambassador stated that the China’s BRI and flagship CPEC projects are wrongly conceived as debt traps. The CPEC has actually assisted Pakistan in meeting its energy requirements, thereby, facilitating economic growth and development.

Responding to another query the Ambassador called for uniform application of international law on all global issues including Ukraine and Kashmir conflict. The participants took keen interest and expressed gratitude to the Embassy for arranging the same.

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