Air attacks on Jerusalem should be stopped, Raja Sikandar Khan’s demand

LONDON : World renowned think tank Global Pak Kashmir Supreme Council Chairman Raja Sikander Khan along with their President Kala Khan issued a joint statement to press strongly in Condemning Israel for their actions against Palestinians, including continuing to build settlements in Gaza and West Bank and requested the International community to impose a trade ban on Israel until air strikes and attacks on Palestinians, especially in Jerusalem are stopped.

President Kala Khan stated that the British government should stop its doulbe standard policy where as they claim to be the leaders in Human rights implementation and on the other hand
the UK Government has regularly approved arms sales to Israel, worth around £400 million since 2016 – despite the fact that Israel has been found to systematically violated international law and human rights laws through its illegal occupation, settlement expansion, destruction of Palestinian homes and structures, and use of force against Palestinian civilians.

Chief Raja Sikander Khan in his concluding remarks stated that the social media has become so powerful and Israel can no longer hide their atrocities on innocent people of Palestine and demanded that Israel must stop all their human rights voilations and illegal occupation in Palestine and urged the so called champions of human rights to intervene and place sanctions on Israel to stop the illegal occupation and their human rights voilations on innocent people of Palestine.

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