We all belong to one party and that is Kashmir: Sardar Zulfiqar Roshan Khan

Highland, Maryland, USA. August 18, 2024 (TW) __ Sardar Zulfiqar Roshan Khan welcomed the participants for the eventful gathering who had come not only form the DMV area but also from other states. He, in particular thanked Dr. Touqeer Gilani, Chairman, JKLF who came from Azad Kashmir and Advocate Sardar Anwar, representative of South Asia Solidarity Network who resides in Utah, for their willingness to attend this meeting.

“We have been trying to support our brethren in Indian occupied Kashmir for the last 30 to 40 years. Right from day one, we pledged that in Washington, we do not have any affiliation with any political party simply because we all belong to one party and that is Kashmir, Sardar Zulfiqar emphasized.

Dr. Toqeer Gilani, President Jammu Kashmir Liberation Front (JKLF) said that Kashmiri diaspora should focus on forward looking strategies to resolve the Kashmir dispute. We must have a platform where all participants can express their views and opinions freely, however, different but in an atmosphere that is devoid of accusation and intimidation. Time has come that all Kashmiri diaspora organizations must pursue one single agenda item: unfettered right of self-determination of the people of the State of Jammu & Kashmir. If need arises, we can gladly agree to disagree.

Earlier Dr. Touqeer Gilani had written to President Biden to play a vital role in solving the long-standing Kashmir issue lingering on the table of UNSC since 1947. The UNSC has passed resolutions and promised the people of Jammu Kashmir state to demilitarize and reunite the state as it existed in 1947 and a final settlement based on freely expressed will of the state subjects. People of Jammu Kashmir have every right to be free and live free and they have waited for long time to be granted the pledged right to decide their own future.”

Dr. Imtiaz Khan, Kashmiri American scholar commended Azad Kashmiri diaspora in USA for their proactive role in espousing the cause of the people of occupied Kashmir. All these years their men, womenfolk and children are in the forefront in the rallies and demonstrations held in support of Kashmir. The onus is on the people living in Azad Kashmir to impress upon their federal leadership to reinvigorate the movement in support of Kashmiris. The role of Pakistani government in this regard is less than satisfactory.

The recent participation of university students in USA and western universities in support of Palestinian cause is an example. How come common person in west is not aware of the atrocities unleashed by Indian occupied forces on the people of Kashmir? The time has come when campaign in support of Kashmiris with active and unstinted support from Pakistan be embarked upon. Mere words, statements or resolutions will not cut the ice. What is needed is well planned action and strategy, Dr. Khan underscored.

Sardar Anwar Advocate of Utah said that the people of Kashmir have the right to exercise their unfettered right to self-determination. They should be free to choose according to their own free will. And Kashmiri diaspora should have the courage not only to respect but also welcome each other’s point of view. I stand for the total independence of the State of Jammu & Kashmir, Sardar Anwar said, however, my compatriots have the equal right to plead their case for the accession to Pakistan.”

Advocate Sardar Anwar has always pleaded for the rerelease of Yasin Malik, Chairman, JKLF, who is in serious danger from the fascist Modi government of India. In this regard he has approached Amnesty International and other international NGO’s to intervene to provide medical care and protection to Yassin Malik.

Dr Ghulam Nabi Fai, the Chairman of World Forum for Peace & Justice, said that Kashmir is at the brink of genocide that demands that the global Kashmiri leadership redoubles its efforts to galvanize the global public opinion and create an atmosphere when world powers will ultimately realize that the resolution of Kashmir is in the interest of international peace and security. In approaching a Kashmir resolution, the sole non- negotiable issue should be respecting the consensus of the people of all five regions of the state of Jammu & Kashmir with whom sovereignty resides.

Dr. Fai maintained that it is imperative that the delegations from Azad Kashmir knock the doors of the important Capitols of the world. However, the members of the delegations must have deep and thorough understanding of the Kashmir dispute and these individuals should keep themselves well acquainted about the day-to-day happenings in occupied Kashmir.

Sardar Zubair Khan of Kashmir American Welfare Association (KAWA) said that the people of Indian occupied Kashmir have given unimaginable sacrifices and the leadership of Kashmiri diaspora has an important role to make sure that we do not let them down. Sardar Zubair added that despite our human weaknesses, we always tried to become the voice of the voiceless people of Kashmir. How can you rest when your nation, your country, your people are occupied, subjugated and brutalized, day in and day out, Sardar Zubair asked?

Sardar Shoaib Irshad, Joint Secretary of KAWA said that Kashmiri American community in Washington and New York has proved to be the symbol of sacrifice and courage, that is why they never refused to attend the rallies, be it rain or shine. Sardar Shoaib Irshad asked: How long will the world watch in silence as India carries out the genocide of the people of Kashmir? This is a question the Kashmiris are asking today.

Raja Liaqat Kayani, President, Kashmir House, Washington emphasized the role of Kashmiri diaspora in providing assistance in the public sector in Azad Kashmir. Kashmiri Americans can facilitate constructing hospitals, water wells, schools in rural areas for those who do not have access to these facilities.

Dr Akhlaq Barlas maintained that our strategy has to be based on scientific tools. A database of Kashmiri American community and friends of Kashmir will pave the way for yielding the positive results of our activities,

Hamid Malik, prominent community leader, said that the Pakistani American community has always stood by the Kashmiris in their endeavor, and the world powers should take note of the atrocities being committed by India against the people of occupied Kashmir. Malik Hamid pledged that we would remain always should to shoulder with our Kashmiri American community whenever they need our help.

Sadaqat Hayat of Canada said that the role of Kashmiri diaspora leadership is pivotal, and its responsibilities are correspondingly great. Indeterminate people, no matter how well intended have never achieved anything politically significant. We must never belittle the contribution of our colleagues, no matter how different than mine. We must respect each other despite our differences in our approaches. . Petty jealously have no place among Kashmir’s diaspora leadership circle.

Sardar Aftab Roshan Khan said that Kashmiri nation is at the brink of extinction. We, Americans of Kashmiri heritage have the power to bring to the limelight the atrocities being committed by 900,000 Indian military and paramilitary forces in Kashmir. That is our objective, and we will pursue it no matter what it takes.

Dr. Mohammad of Kupwara, Indian occupied Kashmir was extremely delighted to experience the brotherly atmosphere despite some disagreements among the participants. He added that he was overjoyed that our brothers can listen to each other’s point of view with patience and without interruption.

The participants expressed their appreciation to Asif Khan and Mrs. Afshan Zulfiqar Khan for their generosity, and for providing tasty and delicious lunch, along with homemade sweets.

The meeting concluded with special prayers for the early recovery of Sardar Zarif Khan Sahib & Sardar Sawar Khan Sahib

Those who attended the event included: Dr Aashir Husain, Sardar Farooq Khan, Zaid Bloch, Shafiq shah, Latief Kiani, Sardar Nazam, Liaqat Malik, Sardar Shakeel Khan, Sardar Khurshid, Sardar Ilyas, Sardar Danish, Mustafa Khan, Sardar Tariq, Zakir shah, Jumas khan, Shrafat Shah, Tasadaq Abbasi, Choudhary Azam, Mansoor khan, Sardar Ashraf, Amin Khan, Ishaq Sharief, Nadim Khan, Raja Wajid Kabir

Dr. Fai is also the Secretary General, World Kashmir Awareness Forum.
He can be reached at: WhatsApp: 1-202-607-6435 or. [email protected]

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