Vienna: A protest demonstration and Kashmir Rally was organized in front of the Indian Embassy on the occasion of Kashmir Black Day.

VIENNA : A peaceful protest demonstration and Kashmir rally was organized on Sunday, October 27, 2024, on the occasion of Kashmir Black Day, in front of the Indian Embassy in Vienna, the capital of Austria, at Karlplatz, under the leadership of Chairman Kashmir Freedom Front Austria Prof. Musarat Shaukat Awan.

The Pakistani and Kashmiri community gathered in front of the Indian Embassy in large numbers to express solidarity with the Kashmiri brothers and sisters against the cruel actions of India. On this occasion, the protesters carried banners, Kashmiri flags and Pakistan flags with prominent messages.

They wanted to end the persecution in Kashmir. On this occasion, various speakers said that human rights are being violated in Kashmir and the Modi government is continuously ignoring the resolutions of the UNO, now it is time to give India an answer in its own language. India has adopted a diabolical attempt to dominate the innocent Kashmiris in the name of its so-called constitution through its armed forces through illegal measures.

Condemning the worst violations of human rights in Kashmir, India’s provocative actions on the civilian population, they want to draw the world’s attention to the fact that the people of Kashmir have been under Indian rule for seven decades and have been fighting for the right to self-determination for seven decades.

Kashmiris are making sacrifices, including women and children. They further said that the attempt to compare India’s freedom struggle with terrorism cannot deceive the world and decades of Indian oppression have destroyed the love of Kashmiris for freedom. Pakistan will continue to extend all diplomatic, political and moral support to the people of the IIOJK. There is a serious danger.

The Speakers further said that Pakistan is committed to a peaceful resolution of the Jammu and Kashmir conflict in accordance with the relevant resolutions of the United Nations Security Council and the wishes of the Kashmiri people.

The speakers highlighted how India’s Hindu extremist BJP/RSS government is bent on implementing an ethno-fascist agenda through policies aimed at changing the demographic composition of the IIOJK from a Muslim-majority to a Hindu-majority state. to change and erase its distinct identity. He said that Muslims and other minorities across India are suffering the consequences of the BJP/RSS plan to transform India into a Hindu Rashtra.

They called upon the international community to raise its voice in support of the people of IIOJK who have been denied the right to self-determination and are victims of decades of brutal occupation by India, which claims to be the world’s largest democracy. The Pakistani government and the entire nation stood with the Kashmiris till their last breath. Kashmir is the artery of Pakistan. Special speakers who participated in the demonstration included Chairman Kashmir Freedom Front Austria Prof.

Musrat Shaukat Awan, Azhar Shah, Naila Malik, Amjad Bhatti and Mohsin Baloch. In the end, Mohsin Baloch offered prayers for the Kashmiri people, Palestine and Pakistan and Chairman Kashmir Freedom Front Austria Prof. Musarat Shaukat Awan thanked all the people for coming to the protest and the Kashmir rally.

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