Raja Sikandar Khan and Kala Khan will host the “Kashmir Conference” on the occasion of Kashmir Solidarity Day

London (TW) : Global Pak-Kashmir Supreme Council Chairman Raja Sikandar Khan and President Kala Khan are hosting a high-profile “Kashmir Conference” on the occasion of Kashmir Solidarity Day.

5th February British House of Parliament London in which many British political figures, heads of human rights organizations, community leaders and community dignitaries will participate to show support and solidarity to the oppressed people of Indian Occupied Kashmir.

Global Pak Kashmir Supreme Council’s Azad Jummu Kashmir Chapter’s President Syed Shabbir Ahmed along with Vice President Dr Prof. Raja Abdul Rehman and their team with the collaboration of Alama Iqbal Open University Regional Campus Mirpur are jointly hosting a Kashmir Solidarity day at their Regional Campus Mirpur.

On the instructions of Global Pak Kashmir Supreme Council’s Head Office London their women wing Punjab in Lahore their President Women wing Farah Naz alog with her team and Global Pak Kashmir Supreme Council women wing Sindh in Karachi their Vice President women wing Rizwana Farooq along with her team are hosting a Kashmir Solidarity Day Rally and the Global Pak Kashmir Supreme Council President District Bagh in AJK Prof. Syed Haleem Gurdhezi will also be hosting a Kashmir Solidarity Day event in Bagh.

All the above Kashmir Solidarity Days events will be published in Electronic and print media once it has taken place on 5th February, the Chairman Raja Sikander Khan has humbly requested all respected community members to participate in these events in your local areas to show your support and solidarity with the innocent people of Indian Occupied Kashmir.

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