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Kashmir Solidarity Day

Written by Professor Shaukat Pervez Mussarat Awan (Chairman Kashmir Affairs Comittee PFA Vienna Austria)

In order to understand the importance of the Kashmir Solidarity Day, one needs to understand the history of India`s Occupation on Kashmir which dates back to the Partition of the Indian Sub-continent.Since 1947 India has been subjecting the people of Occupied Kashmir to the worst Form of Terrorism and supressing their Struggle for securing their Right to self-determination.Right from the day one the people of Jammu and Kashmir never accepted India`s illegal Occupation of their Motherland and they have been struggling to liberate it from Indian subjugation.

27th of October is known as Kashmir Solidarity Day and observed by people through out Pakistan and Azad Jammu Kashmir.It is an internationally recognized day observed by people pre-dominently Kashmiris Worldwide.The Day is marked by Public Processions special Prayers in Mosques for the Liberation of Kashmir and protests that are carried out against the Indian Oppression of Kashmir. Kashmir Day is also of particular political Importance to Major Political and Religious Parties in both Pakistan and AJK.Long Marches and Rallies sponsored by Political Organizations, Religious Parties and other Organizations also arrange rallies in which people chant slogans to support the Kashmiri Freedom Struggle and to express Solidarity with Kashmiri People.

An other common specticle is the formation of a human chain on all major routes to AJK from Pakistan.

The occupied Valley of Jammu and Kashmir is known as one of the greatest dispute in this Sub-continent the most of its part is still held by Indian Government.This Dispute is not a new one.Since more than seven decades the Valley has brutally been targeted by Indian Military Troops and lying prey to worst Kind of State Terrorism.Since 1989 when the people of Kashmir gave impetus to their liberation struggle the unabated Indian State Terrorism has resulted in the Killing of nearly 100000 innocent Kashmiris and disappearance of thousands in Custody.Women Molestation and extra Judicial Killing of Political Figures like Burhan Muzaffar Wani by Indian Troops on July 8, 2016 triggered massive Anti-India and Pro Freedom Demostrations in Kashmir.Mass Killings and blinding 1000s of Innocent Children by Fire bullets and pellets has become a brutal practise by RSS and Indian Intelligence Agencies till today.

The Future of the Occupied Valley of Jammu and Kashmir depends on the History of Pakistan two nation theory as well as Partition Formula of this Sub-continent.Inspite of all these Brutallities and attrocities Kashmiri People are determined to have their Motherland free at any cost recently the abrogation of Article 370 and Article 35a affected the special status of valley of Jammu and Kashmir. The Modi Government is determined to change the Muslim Majority of the territory of Jammu and Kashmir to Minority.

Unfortunately the International Community is turning a blind eye to India`s actions in occupied Kashmir resulting in the continued sufferings of the Kashmiri People.

Kashmir Solidarity day is not only observed as a black day but it is known as a day of great test and firm determination for thousands and thousands of peace loving Kashmiris and other nations in the world. It is high time for the world community to take steps towards addresing this contentious problem which needs its permanent solution and at last a free and independent Kashmir. The World can clearly understand this fact that Kashmir is a nuclear flash point in the entire South Asia.First and foremost need is to mantain peace in this territory because international Community is well aware of the fact that Kashmir will come to a permanent solution by the means of peaceful dialouge. Pakistan moral and diplomatic support to Kashmir in this case is crystal clear so far as the freedom of the territory of Jammu and Kashmir is concerned Pakistan Government, Pakistan Armed Fores along with all the civil and Military Intelligence Agencies are well aware of Indian Terrorism in Kashmir once again on 27th of October our Message as a Pakistani Nation for the rest of the World is crystal clear right from day one Pakistani Nation Pakistan Army and Pakistani Government condemn Indian Terrorism in Kashmir and do expect that United Nations will respect the human rights of million of Kashmiris and by means of maintaing peace over there will pave the way to the self-determination freedom and solidarity in Kashmir and let kashmiri people to live with peace for ever because all the peace and justice loving nations of the world must come together to express pratical solidarity with the oppressed people of occupied Kashmir sooner or later.Let`s hope that the Process of this solidarity will result into freedom and entitle million of Kashmiris with self-respect and right to self-determination as a Nation.

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