Kashmir Exploitation Day: British Kashmiri and Pakistani community protest in front of Indian High Commission London

LONDON : Global Pak Kashmir Supreme Council Chairman Raja Sikander Khan along with the organisations President Kala Khan protested peacefully outside the Indian High Commission London along with hundreds of protesters from all walks of life, the event was organised by Global Pak Kashmir Supreme Council, Jammu Kashmir Liberation Front and British Kashmiris, many coaches were organised by JKLF & British Kashmiri’s from Birmingham, Luton, Slough and many other parts of UK.

Even though despite of bad weather with heavy rain the protesters still turned up in huge numbers.

The protest was in connection with the day of 5th August 2019 when India snatched the identity of the people of Jammu and Kashmir and changed the demography of the internationally recognized disputed territory and removed the articles 370 and 35A of its constitution, the Indian government annulled special status of Jammu and Kashmir.

Ever since India has illegally detained Hurriyat leaders, ulemas, students, Journalists and Human Rights Activists languishing in different jails of India and the occupied territory.

Participants of the 5th August protest in London were holding placards and banners having slogans in support of the oppressed people of Jammu and Kashmir. They also condemned the brutal Indian atrocities against the Kashmiris struggling for their right to self determination for 76 years.

President Global Pak Kashmir Supreme Council talking to media said, by removing the special status of Jammu and Kashmir, India can not hide the Kashmir dispute which is related to the right to self determination of people of Kashmir. The People of Kashmir will never give up their right to self determination.

The Chief Raja Sikander Khan while giving interview to media there said that the purpose of the protest is to highlight the brutalities against the people of Kashmir and other illegal acts committed by the Indian authorities in the Indian occupied Kashmir. He called for end of atrocities in the illegally Indian occupied Kashmir and demanded that India re-instates the status of Indian Occupied Kashmir prior to 5th August 2019 to its orignal status.

Advisor to Predident AJK Ch Dil Pazeer talking to media requested to the international community including UN and EU to play their vital role for ending atrocities in occupied Jammu and Kashmir and implementation of the United Nations Security Council resolutions giving the right to self-determination to the people of Illegally Indian Occupied Kashmir.

Former President UK Pakistan Chamber of Commerce & Chairman Brent Mosque Haji Mohammad Saddique called for unconditionally release of all detained Kashmiri political prisnors and human rights activities including Muhammad Yasin Malik, Shabbir Ahmad Shah and Khurram Pervaiz along with many others illegally detained prisnors.

Yasir Mahmood Alam from Brent Islamic centre told media personnel’s that we will not rest in peace and will continue to highlight the brutal atrocities of Indian authorities on innocent people of IIOK until India completely stops the Brutal act of torture, rape and killings of innocent people of IIOK and gives them their fundamental birthright of self determination.

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