H E Ambassador Mohammad Kamran Akhtar, the new ambassador of Pakistan posted to Austria and Slovakia.

VIENNA : H E Ambassador Mohammad Kamran Akhtar, the new ambassador of Pakistan posted to Austria and Slovakia addressed the Pakistani community on Friday, July 12, at 5:00 pm at the Embassy of Pakistan in Vienna. Embassy of Pakistan Head of Chancery Mr Adeal Ahmed Khan Afridi, Pakistan Community Affairs Counselor Shehzad Saleem, Counselor Mohammad Ammar and staff of Embassy of Pakistan also participated.

People of Pakistani community from distant Austria Salzburg, and Krems specially participated on this occasion. In his speech, the Ambassador of Pakistan said. That we have to work together to tackle the challenges facing the country. This proves that wherever they go in the world belonging to Pakistan, their heart beats with their country. Even today, the country is facing many challenges for which we need to work together.

Our forefathers got Pakistan by giving millions of sacrifices. Now it is our responsibility and duty to ensure its improvement and development. The day is not far when Pakistan will stand in the ranks of developed countries. Overseas Pakistanis have always contributed to the development of the country in the form of foreign exchange, where they have made the name of the country bright due to their role and their highest abilities.

Apart from this, the role of the Overseer’s Community is also worthy of praise in case of calamities in the country. Living outside the country not only increases the value of the country but also increases the love for it. The Embassy of Pakistan will work together with all Pakistanis to shine the name of the country Pakistan in Austria, and the doors of the Embassy of Pakistan are always open to its community.

We in Austria will try to solve the problems of Pakistanis in the best friendly environment together with Austria Government. In the end, He thanked all the people for taking out their valuable time to meet me at the Embassy of Pakistan and pledged that the Pakistani community would provide all kinds of support to the Embassy.

Details of the new Ambassador!
Ambassador Mohammad Kamran Akhtar joined the Foreign Service of Pakistan in November 1995. At Headquarters in Islamabad, Ambassador Kamran Akhtar earlier served as Additional Secretary (Arms Control & Disarmament / Policy Planning (PP)) (2022 – 2024), Director General (Arms Control and Disarmament) (2014 – 2022), Director (Arms Control and Disarmament) (2005 – 2010). s Assistant Director from 1995 to 2000, he worked in the South Asia and Europe Divisions of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

His postings abroad include a stint in the Embassy of Pakistan in Vienna as an Alternate Permanent Representative, from 2000 – 2005; and as Director General, Science and Technology in the OIC Secretariat in Jeddah, KSA from 2010 – 2014. During the course of his diplomatic career, Mr. Kamran Akhtar has worked on a wide range of policy issues relating to Arms Control & Disarmament, Nuclear Safety & Security, International Security, the fight against narcotic drugs & organized crime, and international scientific cooperation.

He participated in several bilateral political engagements and led several rounds of Arms Control & Disarmament dialogues with Russia, China, Turkey, EU, Japan, Australia, the UK, and the. Ambassador Kamran Akhtar also participated in different international treaty negotiations on the Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material (CPPNM), the Draft UN Comprehensive Convention against Terrorism, the International Convention for the Suppression of Acts of Nuclear Terrorism, and the UN Convention against Corruption.

He also remained part of the UN / IAEA Experts Groups such as the Expert Group for developing the IAEA Code of Conduct for the Safety of Nuclear Research Reactors in 2003, the UNODC Expert Group to draft a report on Mutual Legal Assistance in relation to offences covered by international counter-drug, crime, and terrorism studies in 2004, UN Open-Ended Working Group (OEWG) on Arms Trade Treaty (ATT), and the UN Group of Governmental Experts (GGE) for the 5th and 6th periodic reviews of the continues operations of the UN Register on Conventional Arms in 2006 & 2009. Mr. Kamran Akhtar holds a Master’s degree in Nuclear Physics.

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