Efforts from the death anniversary of Syed Ali Gilani 29 September 1929 to 1 September 2021

From my pen. Where is humanity?

My article today is for the man who fought for the truth and humanity for his nation till the last day of his death.Efforts from the death anniversary of Syed Ali Gilani 29th September 1929 to 1st September 2021.

Syed Ali Shah Geelani (September 29, 1929 – September 1, 2021) was a political leader of Jammu and Kashmir, he belonged to the town of Sopur in Bara Mullah district. He was a supporter of Kashmir’s accession to Pakistan. We are Pakistanis. Pakistan belongs to us (Syed Ali Geelani’s pro-Pakist message). His formal political career began in 1952 with the platform of Jamaat-e-Islami (Jail). He spent more than 12 years of his life in prison. Senior Hurriyat leader Syed Ali Geelani was a member of Jamaat-e-Islami Jammu and Kashmir. Syed Ali Geelani was a Kashmiri pro-Pakistan leader. He was considered as the father of the Kashmiri local independence movement. While he also formed a separate party for the freedom struggle “Tehreek Hurriyat” which is a part of the All Party Hurriyat Conference. He played an active role in the formation of the Muslim United Front (MUF) in 1987.

Senior Hurriyat leader Syed Ali Geelani was also a member of the well-known global Muslim forum “Rabata Alam-e-Islami”. The Hurriyat leader is the first Kashmiri Hurriyat leader to get membership. Before him, personalities like Syed Abu-ul-Ala Maududi and Syed Abu-ul-Hasan Ali Nadwi were members of the “Rabata Alam-e-Islami” forum from the sub-continent. Along with being a freedom fighter, he was also a person who was passionate about knowledge and literature and was a great fan of Allama Iqbal. He wrote the memories of his captivity in the form of a book called “Rudad Qafs”. For this reason, he spent a major part of his life in Indian jails. Martyrdom of Syed Ali Shah Geelani, who dedicated his life for the freedom of Occupied Kashmir. History is a witness that those who give up their lives for great causes and make sacrifices for the freedom of their nation never die. Rather, they live forever in the hearts of their followers and the nation with their thoughts and ideas. Syed Ali Geelani is also alive today as the freedom spirit of Kashmiris. Even in the 92nd year of his age, Ali Geelani continued to prove himself as an iron man in front of the occupying Indian Army. Ali Geelani was in illegal detention by Indian forces for more than a decade, but even this imprisonment could not separate him from the thought of freedom and resistance. The Indian government has detained this freedom-seeking Mujahid, but has failed to arrest the spirit and faith that resides in the hearts of millions of Kashmiris. This was the reason why the Indian government was also afraid of the dead body of Ali Geelani who died in custody at his residence in Haiderpura, Srinagar on September 1, 2021.

Syed Ali Geelani declared Kashmir as a natural part of Pakistan and declared the Kashmir issue as an incomplete agenda of the partition of India and remained firm on his position throughout his life. Gilani supported the armed freedom movement and described it as an example of “Tang Amad Bajang Amad” by Kashmiris. Geelani always reiterated that the Kashmir issue has to be resolved in the light of the UN resolutions and “if Delhi has difficulty in this, then a dedicated tripartite dialogue between Pakistan, India and the Kashmiri leadership is also an alternative.” Syed Ali Gilani is not the name of an individual but a thought, a movement. The Indian government was afraid of Geelani’s leadership skills even during his life and even after his death, the freedom fighters were afraid of his cremation. The Indian government did not allow Syed Ali Geelani’s family to bury him and a heavy contingent of occupation forces raided his residence in Srinagar and seized Geelani’s dead body. Violating the last will of the elder leader, he was quietly buried by a heavy military siege of the Haiderpura graveyard at night.

Fearing the death of Syed Ali Geelani, the Indian authorities cordoned off the entire area and imposed strict restrictions on the movement of people and tried to justify their heinous act of burying Geelani to maintain law and order. But like thousands of other illegal actions by India, this action was also a blatant violation of human rights. Other Kashmiri leaders also called it a highly partisan affair and an Indian attempt to punish the Muslim population. While the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) also condemned the serious violations of human rights by the Indian government in the last rites and burial of the 92-year-old Kashmiri leader and it was criticized by important organizations such as the Washington Post, France 24 and Reuters. Covered by international news organizations and newspapers.

Pakistan also condemned India’s barbaric act of taking away Syed Ali Geelani’s body. My question is, you have read my writing, where are humanity and where are the pioneers of humanity, why are they silent, why is Indian aggression not being stopped. Please read more…
Current facts of Occupied Kashmir….
On August 5, 2019, India encroached on the civil rights of Kashmiris in ‘administered Kashmir’ by committing constitutional terrorism and in violation of the agreement reached with the Maharaja of Kashmir in the past, treated Kashmiris like the residents of Palestine. He took action to make a stranger in his homeland. By Article 370 of the Indian Constitution, “Kashmir was given a special status from the other states of India and under India’s laws in any matter other than defence, communication and foreign affairs without the approval of the central government or the state government in a parliamentary state.” could not apply. According to Article 35-A….
A person can be a citizen of Jammu and Kashmir only if he was born here. A citizen of any other state cannot buy property in Jammu and Kashmir or become a permanent citizen here. Now the result of the abolition of these laws is that India’s one billion, more than 10 million non-Muslims can buy and sell land there, then it only takes a few months for the majority of the Kashmiri people to dissolve, which historically 96% of the population is Muslim. Section 144 i.e. curfew is in force continuously after deploying thousands of additional troops.

More than 9 million Muslims in this civilized age are deprived of the basic rights of movement, communication and religious and political freedom. The Indian Supreme Court and the US State Department have raised their voice against these atrocities on the prestigious international platform of the United Nations, including the orders of the US Department of State for freedom and normalization, but the Indian government has become blind in its oppression. All religious and political gatherings in the Valley are banned, including Azan and congregational prayers at Srinagar’s Jama Masjid. Kashmiris get news about themselves from the outside world. It is not possible for them to communicate with each other. The Internet is open to journalists on nominally six computers at the government center for a few hours. In this era of so-called civilization and civilization, such a large number of human beings are deprived of basic rights, but the international community and the United Nations are not considering any serious action.

The United States has introduced a bill in Congress to impose sanctions on China after its human rights abuses against Muslims in Xinjiang, but it has turned a blind eye to India’s open atrocities. Yet Muslims are expected to treat Western nations as neutral. After the continuous ban on Kashmir, what more argument is needed that the Indian government could not change the decision of the Kashmiris even after seventy years of the worst oppression and exploitation. What does the ban on the Internet mean except that the Modi government wants to keep the world ignorant and unaware of Kashmiri atrocities. Citizens of Occupied Kashmir have always been highlighting their relationship with Pakistan by celebrating Independence Day on August 14. As long as our pen continues to write, we will continue to be the voice of Syed Ali Shah Geelani and will never let his struggle end. I hope that the readers will understand my words, the truth is never hidden. My voice will continue to rise for the truth and humanity.

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