Declaring UN SG persona non grata is disappointing, discouraging and disenchanting: Dr. Imtiaz Khan

October 3, 2024 (TW) __ Professor (Dr.) Imtiaz Khan, Kashmiri American scholar has issued this statement regarding the decision of Israel to bar United Nations Secretary General from entry Israel. Dr. Khan is the member of Board of Directors of World Kashmir Awareness Forum.

The situation regarding Israel’s refusal to allow the entry of Antonio Guterres, the Secretary-General of the United Nation, involves complex political and diplomatic dynamics. The decision to ban the entry of the Secretary General into Israel is disappointing, discouraging and disenchanting. The purpose of formation of United Nations was to facilitate international peace and security, and its Secretary-General often serves as a key mediator in conflicts around the world.

The UN Secretary-General’s ability to travel to various countries is essential for fostering dialogue and addressing pressing humanitarian issues. This decision needs to be widely condemned as it raises questions about Israel’s commitment to international cooperation and its responsibilities as a member of the United Nations. The refusal also raises concerns about Israel’s willingness to engage with international scrutiny and accountability mechanisms, which are vital for fostering trust and stability in conflict-ravaged region.

The decision by Israel is analogous to Indian refusal to allow access to United Nations thematic Special Rapporteurs to investigate the allegations of gross human right abuses in occupied Kashmir. According to reports compiled by international and impartial NGOs like Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, etc., Indian occupied forces are involved in unabated massacre, gang rape of thousands of Kashmiri women, forced disappearances and mass graves. Both India and Israel wrongfully assert sovereignty over territories that are internationally disputed.

Israel maintains control over areas like the West Bank and East Jerusalem, while India claims sovereignty over Jammu and Kashmir. Both governments cite security issues as a primary reason for restricting the access of UN delegations. In both cases, allowing UN access could be seen as undermining their claims to these territories. Each government is concerned that UN scrutiny might legitimize international criticism or pressurize them to rectify their policies.

Time and again it was pointed out to the United Nations that their inaction towards India’s arrogance and haughtiness will set a precedence that will lead to serious consequences. Today the very relevance of this august world body is at stake and its locus standi is in jeopardy. To categorize Secretary General as persona non grata is like thumping the nose of the world body and total disregard for international norms. Today it is India and Israel and in future it may be rogue regime of some other nation that will dismiss appeals and resolutions from the United Nations.

It is high time and germane that civilized nations take a stand against this malafide and ambidextrous decision of the countries that refuse the involvement of the United Nations to hide their misdeeds. Even the OIC countries could present a united front in international forums to collectively address the issue and demand accountability from India and Israel. Drafting resolutions, condemning the refusals and calling for unrestricted access for UN officials could strengthen their position. Using economic leverage and barring trade relations with the countries like India and Israel that flout UN resolutions or international norms could be impactful

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