Conference held in Central London to stop human trafficking

LONDON : Raja Sikander Khan Chairman of the Kashmiri International outfit, representing the diaspora and the renowned think tank Global Pak Kashmir Supreme Council was honoured as the guest speaker at The Stop Human Trafficking Conference in central London.

The conference was organised by Dr Ramzy along with Dr Saf Buxy and their team, featured speakers from all walks of life expressed their views and emphasised the prompt need to combat the multi billion dollars human Traffacking trade.

This heinous trade involves the abduction and smuggling of innocent volunrable men, women and children whom are than subjected to slaverey, Forced labour and sex exploitation and trafficked into different parts of the world.

The conference began by Dr Saf Buxy’s very comprehensive detailed presentation on Human Trafficking by means of photo slides and short videos showing human trafficking process comprising various stages starting with recruitment followed by travel and transit destinations and exploitation, each stage poses different risks to trafficked persons health and well being, they may be at risk of psychological, physical and sexual abuse, forced and coerced substance abuse, social restrictions and manipulation. Other risks include economic exploitation and debt bondage, legal insecurity, occupational hazards and abusive working and living conditions.

Chairman Raja Sikander in his speech spoke about the abduction of young girls and women in Indian Occupied Kashmir where he first briefed about the history of Kashmir that it was a princely state for many decades but since last 75 years it has been taken over by Indian armed forces by force and ever since the brutal Indian Armed forces have been continuously brutalising people of Kashmir by molesting, raping and killing girls and women in Indian occupied Kashmir.

He also said that the data provided by the federal government of India on 26th July it disclosed that 9765 women and girls were reported missing from their homes in the Indian occupied Kashmir between years 2019 and 2021 and date provided by the National Crime Records Bureau of India also showed that more than 1.31 million females were reported missing Nationwide in India during the year 2019 to 2021 and in response Raja Sikander Khan demanded from the Indian government to introduce a range of measures to strengthen women’s safety, these include the establishment of specialised Investigation units to address offences such as abduction, rape, death and human trafficking.

Raja Sikander also requested everyone at the seminar to do what ever in their capacity to fight against the henious crime of human trafficking.

At the end the main organiser of the Stop the human trafficking Dr Ramzy briefed everyone how to recognise the victims of the human trafficking and how to offer help to these victims of human trafficking and in his concluding remarks he thanked everyone for their precious and valuable time and asked everyone ti continue their support to combat and eliminate this henious crime of human trafficking.

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