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UNO United Nations Vienna Austria Phillipine Club organized Workshop

UNO United Nations Vienna Austria Phillipine Club organized Workshop on Eskrima by Phillipine HE Consul General Ivan Frank Oles special Cheif Guest at the UN workshop on Friday, 21 October 2022, 17:00 pm in F10 Phillipine Club place.

The host organizer of the workshop was Marizel Rojas . A variety of martial arts teachers attended the workshop. The teachers who participated in it were among them Alexander Hernandez Philippine Martial Arts international, The special chief guest was from Malaysia Aziwahija Yeop Harahap FOUNDER INTERNATIONAL SILAT SENI GAYUNG FATANI ORGANIZATION DOCTORATE OF MARTIAL ARTS.


Who came to teach the visiting international guests how we can do civil defense. Speaking specially on this occasion, while explaining about martial arts, the teachers had to say. Have you ever watched a movie about martial arts and felt a strong desire to learn one for yourself? Martial arts is a great skill that can be used for fitness as well as releasing emotions. Martial arts is not just fighting – it is an impressive art form in itself.

There are over 180 styles of martial arts, so wanting to learn one isn’t as simple as reading an article and booking a class. You need to choose the best option for you so that you can make the most of your training۔ Martial arts were originally considered ancient fighting techniques. Although there are so many styles that it is impossible to generalize them, they all use technical and powerful tricks that give their testimony to make someone happy.

Fighting does not always involve weapons, but some use swords, clubs, and bows and arrows. Others rely entirely on body weapons, incorporating punches, kicks, and strength. Martial arts is a disciplined skill that requires perfect agility, flexibility and concentration. You need to be patient and flexible to run the initiative. Along with improving your physical fitness, martial arts can also help with mental endurance.

Finally everyone was told about martial arts training and civil defense how you can protect yourself from others. Phillipine HE Consul General Ivan Frank Oles Being a martial arts teacher himself, he told all the people about the training, how long the training takes and what techniques are used in it. HE Finally, thanks to all the people and said that such workshops will continue.

Finally Marizel Rojas thanked all the people and said that I am grateful to all of you that you have come here today. In the coming times, we will continue to work in a way that benefits people.

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