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Safety of Journalists: Protecting media to protect democracy. High-level Conference, Vienna, 4 November 2022

VIENNA : Federal Ministry Republic of Austria European and International affairs organized Safety of Journalists: Protecting media to protect democracy a very High-level Conference, in Vienna Austria,on 4th November 2022.The biggest press conference in the history of Austria was held in which journalists from all over the world, Ministers, Ambassadors Deployments and senior journalists also participated. Moderate this program Katharina Moser who thanked all the guests for coming to the program today. She specially invited Panelists to come and express his opinions.

Various people were invited on this occasion, in which the Artists of Austria also participated. Ministers, Ambassadors Deployments and senior journalists and Artists were among them. WELCOME AND OPENING REMARKS BY HOST AND COORDINATORS.Director-General, UNESCO Volker Türk,United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights,FURTHER REFLECTIONS Ghada Fathi Waly,Director-General, UNOV/Executive Director, UNODC Melissa Fleming,Under-Secretary-General for Global Communications, United Nations,KEYNOTE Dmitry Muratov,Editor-in-Chief, Novaya Gazeta and Laureate of the 2021 Nobel Peace Prize,SPEAKERS Jineth Bedoya Journalist, Author and Human Rights Advocate, UNESCO Guillermo Cano Award Winner Daryna Shevchenko Co-founder The Fix, and CEO, The Kyiv Independent,Herman Grech Editor-in-Chief, the Times of Malta, Author of the play “They blew her up” Pa Louis Thomasi, Director, Federation of African Journalists, and Chair of the Digital Platform on Safety of Journalists in Africa. OUTCOMES OF THE PRE-CONFERENCE AND CONSULTATIONS RAPPORTEURS. 11:20-11:40 CET Jesper Højberg Executive Director, International Media Support (IMS),Silvia Chocarro, Head of Global Protection, Article 19.HIGH-LEVEL PANELS: A and B PANEL A: Strengthening the implementation of the UN Plan of Action – Prevent-Protect-Prosecute:In an environment where freedom of expression is consistently at risk,the safety of journalists must be approached in a holistic way to be both effective against imminent threats and to foresee developing dangers. This approach, as outlined in the UN Plan of Action, must include efforts to prevent attacks, protect when attacks are anticipated, and -prosecute when they do occur. This panel will offer a platform to showcase good practices and to reveal gaps to be filled in the coming years.

MINISTERIAL TESTIMONIES Nikolaos-Georgios Dendias, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Greece Rastislav Káčer, Minister of Foreign and European Affairs, Slovakia (tbc) Lord Ahmad of Wimbledon Minister of State at the Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office, United Kingdom, Dunja Mijatović Human Rights Commissioner, Council of Europe, MODERATOR/INTRO TO TOPIC Sejal Parmar Senior Lecturer, School of Law and Politics, Cardiff University, PANEL DISCUSSION Guilherme Canela de Souza Godoi Chief of Section, Freedom of Expression and Safety of Journalists, UNESCO Han Moraal Secretary-General, International Association of Prosecutors Leon Willems Senior Advisor, Free Press Unlimited Can Yeginsu Deputy Chair, High-Level Panel of Legal Experts on Media Freedom, Bahia Tahzib-Lie Human Rights Ambassador, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Netherlands. PANEL B: Implementation of the UN Plan of Action in the digital age tackling new challenges: The digital age has presented a multitude of opportunities to communicators. All at once, it has brought to the forefront new challenges.

The international community has had to reevaluate existing threats, their nature and consequences to identify solutions. This panel will serve as an essential touchpoint for stakeholders to continue the discussion and create new synergies in the fight to make the online sphere one that continues to be conducive to the freedom of expression. MINISTERIAL TESTIMONIES Jovita Neliupšienė Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs, Lithuania MODERATOR/INTRO TO TOPIC, Nik Gowing Founder and Co-Director, Thinking the Unthinkable, PANEL DISCUSSION Irene Khan Special Rapporteur on the Promotion and Protection of the Right to.

Freedom of Opinion and Expression, Owais Aslam Ali Secretary General Pakistan Press Foundation, META Clemens Pig President, European Alliance of News Agencies (EANA) Peggy Hicks Director, Thematic Engagement, Special Procedures and Right to Development Division, OHCHR Julie Posetti,Deputy Vice President, Global Research, International Center for Journalists (ICFI). SPECIAL EVENT -25 Years of OSCE-Representative on Freedom of the Media: 14:30-15:00 CET Presentation of 25 Year Anniversary Report: “Can there be Security without Media Freedom?” by Teresa Ribeiro, OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media and exchange with Regional and Thematic Mandate Holders on their role and goals in strengthening the Implementation of the UN Plan of Action.

PARTICIPANTS Teresa Ribeiro OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media Dunja Mijatović Human Rights Commissioner, Council of Europe Pedro Vaca Villarreal, Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Expression, Inter-American Commission on Human Rights Irene Khan, Special Rapporteur on the Promotion and Protection of the Right to Freedom of Opinion and Expression, United Nations 15:00-16:30 CET PLEDGING SESSION, PATRONAGE Susanne Raab Federal Minister for Women, Families, Integration and Media, Austria, PARTICIPATING MINISTERS AND SENIOR OFFICIALS 3 MINUTE MAXIMUM) Contributions to be presented live and via pre-recorded video, messages.

Length contingent on number of physical participants. REFLECTIONS Santiago Irazabal Mourão President, 41st UNESCO General Conference. After the Coffee Break 16:30-17:00 CET COFFEE BREAK 17:00-18:15 CET PANEL C: Reinforcing coordination of the UN Plan of Action through existing mechanisms and new strategic partnerships: The cooperation of stakeholders towards the fulfillment of the UN Plan of Action – from the international to the local level-requires careful coordination. This panel presents an opportunity to align stakeholders and custodians of the UN Plan of Action on its future coordination and fostering new strategic partnerships for effective implementation. MODERATOR/INTRO TO TOPIC,Tawfik Jelassi, Assistant Director-General for Communication and information, UNESCO, PANEL DISCUSSION Nada al-Nashif, Deputy High Commissioner for Human Rights, United Nations, Barbara Trionfi Executive Director, International Press Institute, Dominique Pradalié President, International Federation of Journalists, Pedro Vaca Villarreal Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Expression, Inter-American Commission for Human Rights Jafar Javan Director, United Nations System Staff College, Anna Brandt, Chairperson, Intergovernmental Council of the International Programme for the Development of Communication, Ambassador and Head of Permanent Delegation of Sweden to the OECD and UNESCO. A special speech was given to the general who came from Pakistan.

Freedom of Opinion and Expression, Owais Aslam Ali Secretary General Pakistan Press Foundation. Finally, the artistes who came in the event COMMEMORATION OF THE 10TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE UN PLAN OF ACTION AND PRESENTATION OF OUTCOMES 18:15-18:45 CET MODERATOR,Katharina Moser,FEATURED ARTISTS Victoria Coeln intervention Artist,Jakob Steinkellner Composer and Melodeon Player and CLOSING REMARKS Tawfik Jelassi Assistant Director-General for Communication and Information, UNESCO Nada al-Nashif, Deputy High Commissioner for Human Rights, United Nations, Peter Launsky-Tieffenthal Secretary-General, Federal Ministry for European and International, Affairs, Austria.

The safety of journalists is an essential condition for the realisation of the universal, inalienable right to freedom of expression and of the media, as stipulated in Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Human rights and democracy are only guaranteed if journalists can carry out their work freely and without fear for their safety. However, they risk their lives every day, especially in conflict situations.

They are increasingly exposed to political persecution, online violence, intimidation and surveillance. This year, by 1 September, 61 journalists from 26 countries have already lost their lives because of their job, 10 of them while working to cover the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine. Between 2006 and 2021, more than 1,200 journalists were killed, with those responsible going unpunished in almost 9 out of 10 cases also the political commitment and resources towards improving the safety of journalists and express this commitment in concrete pledges. End of the program Moderate this program Katharina Moser who thanked all the guests for coming to the program today.

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