Digital trucks flash message: Fascist Modi Does Not Belong to White House
Washington, D.C. February 13, 2025 __ In a display of protest against the visit of Narendra Modi, the prime minister of India to Washington on February 13, 2025, digital advertising trucks, sponsored by the World Kashmir Awareness Forum (WKAF) circulated around the White House, the Capitol Hill, besides across other federal buildings and foreign embassies. The trucks exhibited message to Trump Administration that Kashmir cannot be silenced. President Trump must act now.
The electronic screens on the mobile digital trucks carried messages such as: “Fascist Modi Does Not Belong to White House”; “Modi found Guilty of Crimes Against Humanity in Gujrat”; “Modi on a Killing Spree: Occupied Kashmir Needs to be Free”; “Modi Guilty of Crimes Against Humanity in Kashmir”; Indian Forces in Kashmir Commit Brutality: Modi Responsible for Bestiality”; “India Stop Land Grabbing in Kashmir”; “Indian Army Out of Kashmir” “Modi Commits Crime Against Humanity: World Community Needs to Bring Sanity.“
Dr. Ghulam Nabi Fai, Chairman, World Forum for Peace & Justice cautioned that Narendra Modi will never tell President Trump that the United State, Department of State reevoked his visa in 2005 because he was found guilty of crimes against humanity in Gujrat. Modi Ji will also never tell President Trump that ‘Kashmir was at the brink of genocide,” and ‘News media in Kashmir is at the brink of extinction’ as reported by Dr. Gregory Stanton, Chairman Genocide Watch & New York-based Committee to Protect Journalists” (CPJ), respectively. Modi Ji also will never tell President Trump what an internationally known Indian novelist and human rights activist, Arundhati Roy has said that ‘Kashmir is the largest militarized zone in the world.”

Dr. Fai asked, should India get away with the flouting of international agreements and should India be granted license for genocide? President Trump can prevent Kashmir becoming next Rwanda and the intervention of President Trump can stop genocide in Kashmir.
Dr. Ghulam N. Mir, President, World Kashmir Awareness Forum &. Chairman, Kashmir Diaspora Coalition said that Indian Prime ministers’ visit to pay homage to President Trump comes at a time when Mr. Modi is being accused of worsening atrocities and human rights abuses by Indian authorities. This despite his justification of August 5, 2019, to annex the semi-autonomous state of Jammu and Kashmir. In recent weeks incidents of armed forces’ brutality with impunity in the Valley of Kashmir and as well as in Jammu province have taken place with increasing frequency.
Dr. Mir added that with the highest military density of any region in the world successive Indian regimes have failed to achieve peace in Kashmir and the region. As Kashmiri American diaspora we appeal to President Trump to stand on the right side of history and urge Mr. Modi to work on establishing lasting peace through dialogue, not violent force.
Dr. Imtiaz Khan, Kashmiri-American scholar and well-known expert on Kashmir said that Indian Prime Minister Narinder Modi is visiting White House today on February 13 2025. It is an irony before 2014 when he was the chief Minister of Indian state of Gujrat, he was denied USA visa. The reason for the refusal was his direct involvement in Gujrat pogrom of 2002. There was irrefutable evidence that he and his crony Ami shah were directly involved in the massacre and rape of Muslims.
Dr. Imtiaz Khan added that there is land grab movement in process and local Kashmiris are deprived of their livelihood, honor and shelter. Modi and his cahoots are involved in transnational terrorism. They eliminate a Sikh leader in Canada and tried to perform similar nefarious activity in USA. Modi and his government are a threat to peace in the region that is home to three nuclear powers. While President Trump is making relentless efforts to make peace in Ukraine and Middle East Modi is blowing the bugle of war in South Asia. I hope that American media encounters him with these questions.
Zafar Iqbal Malik, Mining of High Education AJK said that potential for genocide is very real and massive killings have already occurred in the past in Kashmir. The tens of thousands who have been killed along with vast human rights abuses seem to go on without an end. The UN high Commissioner on Human Rights who spoke on September 13, 2016, during the opening of the Human Rights Council in Geneva, said that Indian authorities had used force excessively against the civilian population under its administration. Minister Malik reminded President Trump of his willingness to mediate between indie and Pakistan to resolve Kashmir dispute.
Amer Mehboob, a well know journalist of Pakistan of Kashmiri heritage reminded the participants of the rally that addressing the Kashmir issue was ‘addressing a human tragedy.’ At the same time, over the years, the issue had ‘got converted into a mind-boggling tangle.’ He expressed deep concern over the harassment and imprisonment of journalistic fraternity in Indian occupied Kashmir and demanded their immediate and unconditional release.
Amer Mehboob expressed his sadness that no civilized nation, not even the United States seems to be concerned with the human rights atrocities being committed in this unfortunate land of Kashmir. Not a single word has been uttered by them against human rights violations taking place in Kashmir.
Ms. Ghazala Habib, Chairperson, ‘Friends of Kashmir’ who flew from Dallas, Texas, along with her Mom, Zubida Begum and her daughter, Haiqah, Med student (Three generations), for the peaceful protest said that the longer the status quo of death and brutality continues in Kashmir – the longer the international community remains inactive – the stronger possibility of nuclear disaster in the region of South Asia. By its passivity and inaction, the world powers are pushing Kashmir to the breaking point, sending it into a downward spiral of violence which is not acceptable to the people of Kashmir.
Dr. Amerjit Singh, President, Khalistan Affairs Center said that India’s Modi led regime is now exposed that it is committing crimes against humanity not only inside India but beyond. The whole world watched when Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced on September 18, 2023, on the floor of the Canadian Parliament the extrajudicial murder of the Sikh Canadian leader, Hardeep Singh Nijjar.
Dr. Ameriit Singh added that he heard that when President Trump was talking to Modi about Tariff, Modi could not distinguish between Tariff (taxes on foreign goods) and Tareef (To admire somebody).
Sardar Zarif Khan, Advisor to the President of Azad Kashmir warned that the deadly silence of the world powers over gruesome human rights abuses by the occupation forces in Kashmir has given India a virtual license to kill innocent Kashmiris. The government of India has to stop viewing Kashmir from the prism of Pakistan. Pointing out that hundreds of thousands of people have been killed, tortured, jailed, and are missing, Sardar Zarif said that no struggle of such magnitude could be sponsored by an external party.
Raja Mukhtar, Spokesperson, JKLF, North America said that Modi has imprisoned the most recognizable leader of Kashmir, Mohammad Yasin Malik just to intimidate other so that they can submit to Indian occupation but the defying all odds, the brave desire and aspirations of the Kashmiris for liberty and justice remain strong forever. We feel honored to stand shoulder to shoulder with our brethren in Occupied Kashmir.
Sardar Zubair Khan, prominent Kashmiri diaspora leader highlighted the human rights violations being committed by Indian troops in occupied Kashmir. The people of Kashmir do not know ‘peace, security and rule of law’. And it is this universal aspiration of mankind which the people of Kashmir hope to achieve. He demanded an end to the disputed state’s occupation.
Sardar Shoaib Irshad, General Secretary, Kashmir American Welfare Association (KAWA) said that we cannot afford to ignore strategizing in the United States to help the oppressed people of Kashmir. In particular, when we know that the Kashmir dispute has an international dimension because it has the sanctity of the UN Charter and UN Security Council resolutions and has become a big hurdle or obstacle in the growth and stability of both India and Pakistan.
Sardar Aftab Roshan Khan said that the unresolved conflict over Kashmir threatens the international peace and security of the world. It is far past time for the UN to take forceful action in order to restore peace to Kashmir. It’s time for the UN to restore the faith of common people that it is an agency that can live up to its bold charter and mission of bringing peace and stability to the world.
Zeeshan Malik who came from the Great Britain said that the people of occupied Kashmir are giving sacrifices beyond imagination, and they need our full diplomatic support. How long can the people of Kashmir live under the clutches of Indian occupation, Zeeshan Malik asked? Zeeshan alerted that world powers need to understand that it is ultimately the aspirations and wishes of the people of Kashmir that have to be respected and ascertained.
Azhar Malik, New York, said that the Indian army is engaged in serious human rights abuses in Kashmir, and we believe that world powers need to know that the so-called ‘world’s most populous democracy’ is a grave offender of the most basic of human rights.’
Choudhary Rafaqat said, “Each day that India kills innocent civilians, it strengthens the sentiments of Aazadi amongst the general population in Indian occupied Kashmir. The right of self-determination is the right of Kashmiris that was guaranteed under UN Security Council resolutions.
Haiqah Ghazala said that our message to the people of Kashmir is: Continue your peaceful struggle; Freedom is ours; and don’t compromise on your basic principle of self-determination.
Ashraf Bashir of Dallas, Texas said that the Kashmiri diaspora bears the responsibility to come to the rescue of the oppressed people of Kashmir. We should be willing to participate whether it is a seminar, a conference or a rally at the White House, Times Square or Austin to high light the human rights situation in occupied Kashmir.
Mnasar Khan said the heart of the matter is that Kashmir is an occupied country. Its sovereignty and right to self-determination is being ignored. But the people of Kashmir will not rest unless they achieve their ultimate objective which is exercising right to self-determination.
Atiq Sadouzai said that said that our objective should be to motivate our community to participate in the American public square and be active participant in the civic discourse in our neighborhood. That will undoubtedly promote better understanding of our community before the wider American audience.
Choudhary Shahid that we believe that it is only fair that the Kashmir dispute must be decided in accordance with the wishes and aspirations of the people of Kashmir. We must accept whatever the people of Kashmir decide.
Dr. Fai is also Chairman, World Kashmir Awareness Forum.
He can be reached at: WhatsApp: 1-202-607-6435. Or.