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Death of (late) Zahoor Rathore, a gathering and recitation of the Qur’an was held at Minhaj-ul-Qur’an International, Vienna, Austria.

Vienna : Death of (late) Zahoor Rathore, Quran recitation and gathering was organized at Minhaj Al-Qur’an International Vienna, Austria. On Friday, April 14, 2023, at seven o’clock in the evening, the Qur’an was recited at the Minhaj-ul-Qur’an Islamic Center, Vienna.

Apart from others, relatives and friends of the deceased person, members and president of Minhaj Al-Quran Sheikh Mehboob Alam and the Pakistani community participated in the gathering. After reciting the Qur’an, the gathering started with the recitation of Maysam Zahoor Rathore, son of the late Zahoor Rathor deceased, Nasheed, Haji Akbar and Shahryar Khan offered Hadiya Naat in the presence of Aqa Du Jahan (PBUH).

Before breaking the fast, the director of Minhaj-ul-Qur’an Austria Prof. Mudassar Awan read Khatam Sharif and a special address was given by Allama Ghulam Mustafa Baloch. He said on this occasion. Life and death are in the hands of Allah. Every given soul has to taste the taste of death. Death is an irrevocable fact. No great man in the world denies it.

Every human being will eventually go to the valley of death. The purpose of reward is usually that Allah Ta’ala reduces or removes the punishment from the deceased with his blessings, sometimes the elevation of the deceased’s status or compassion and mercy is shown to the deceased. Finally, the director of Minhaj Al-Qur’an Austria, Prof.

Mudassar Awan, offered a collective fatiha for the deceased person. Had a reading. In the collective prayer, prayers were offered for the forgiveness and elevation of the deceased and all the deceased person’s, for the development, safety and prosperity of the Muslim Ummah, Pakistan. Iftar dinner was served.

The brother of Zahoor Rathor (late) Dr. Afsar Rathore thanked all the attendees for participating and Minhaj-ul-Qur’an center Vienna Austria in the connection with the funeral of late Zahoor Rathore, Quran recitation organized for his brother.

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