BABAYLAN EUROPE Philippine Women’s Network in Europe Conference 2022 in Vienna Austria
VIENNA : BABAYLAN EUROPE Philippine Women’s Network in Europe CONFERENCE 2022 organized by Babaylan Europe the Philippine Women’s Network in Europe and Women’s Federation For World PEACE in Seidengasse 28 on Saturday at 5 PM, Vienna Austria.
Celebrating Anniversary 30 Years OF Creative and Empowering Partnership Among 12 countries of Women Europe was take part of the conference and joined that amazing event. The chief Guest of this event was the H E Ambassador Philippin of Austria H E Irene Susan B. In this event, various groups gave their performances which included dancing, Singing and poetry.
First the host organization, welcomed the delegates and guests. Welcome to guest speakers: Debbie Valencia & Weni Gamboa. Among those who participated in it were, Mary Lou Hardillo-Weming, Chairperson Babaylan Europe, Marjorie Akistoy, Chairperson, Filipina in Austria, member Babaylan Europe, Conference Host 2022.
Motivational talk Ms. Renate Amesbauer, President of WFWP Austria, Babaylan EU Network Talk/slide show: Mary Lou Hardillo-Weming with co ExeCom Members Diana Oosterbeek-Latoza and Judy Jover Babaylan Europe Executive Committee, 2022, Guest Resource Person: Aquilina Soriano Versoza, Executive Director, Pilipino Workers Center of Southern California, USA, Facilitators: Weni Gamboa & Debbie Valencia, Thematic Creative Workshops: PM Emcees: Myra & Judy,TRAUMA & HEALING Resource Person from Greece, Irida Mouzou & Marianna Fiotaki, psychologists at Melisa Mental Health Team, Virtual presentation Facilitator: Debbie Valencia, Marizel Roxas, Babaylan members: Facilitators: Executive Committee: Mary Lou Hardillo-Werning Chairperson, Judy Jover Secretary, Diana Oosterbeek-Latoza,Treasurer, Leah Sanchez,Nollie Erediano,Kasayahan Emcees: Marjorie Akistoy and Johmarie Somera.
Mary Lou Hardillo-Weming, Chairperson Babaylan Europe, Explaining about his organization said that the Babaylan Philippine Women`s Network in Europe, which is composed of various Philippine women`s groups, women organizations and women`s Desks in Europe believe that migration of Filipinas is brought about by a combination of sociocultural economic and political factors in the Philippines that push the women, as well as factors in Europe that pull them to migrate; the unequal and unjust distribution of wealth and recources in the world; the colonial culture ingrained by the long years of colonization by the West; the Philippine government failure to address decisively the problem of poverty; the Philippine government policies that encourage migration; and the low value of women`s work in the Philippines and Europe.Babaylan the Philippine Womens Network in Europe, met in May 2017 in Chur, Switzerland, to assess itself, discuss future actions and strategies to address recent issues affecting Philippine women in Europe. Representatives of eight of the 10 member countries came and renewed their commitment to continue the work began in Barcelona in 1992. 25 years of steadfast resolve to address women concerns in Europe is something to be proud of. This achievement called for a grand celebration.
It was also a welcome opportunity to take account of developments which needed to be dealt with, which would guide the network in developing its future strategies. The Babaylan Philippine Women`s Network in Europe, also believe that Filipinas have common problems that confront them as a woman, a migrant and a Filipina in Europe. Like other black migrants in Europe, the Filipinas also experience racism and descrimination and are often stereotyped as sexobjects”.
Most Filipinas are employed in low paying “reproductive work”; experience sexual molestation. At the end, certificates were given to all the people who have worked for this organization and are helping to move this organization forward. The highlight of the event was that the Women’s Federation For World PEACE Renate Amesbauer, President of WFWP Austria, Award was given to Marizel Rojas of Austria by the University Station.
Above the best performance of good working for Peace and Humanity, Solidarity work. At the end, H E Ambassador Philippin of Austria H E Irene Susan B. thanked everyone and said, “I am very happy that our committee is gathered here today and i want us all to work together in the same way in the coming times.” Again, I would like to thank all of you who are our guests in Austria. The Embassy of the Philippines Austria will always cooperate with you. Finally, food was served for the guests.