Aveley Community Hub officially opens
Thurrock:Monday 22 August, saw Cllr Qaisar Abbas, Cabinet Member for Communities and Equalities, join The Mayor of Thurrock, Cllr James Halden and The Deputy Mayor of Thurrock, Cllr Sue Little, to officially open the Aveley Community Hub.
Cllr Abbas, said: “Although Aveley Community Hub has been open for some time it was a lovely occasion to bring together residents, service providers and council officers in true community spirit today to celebrate this wonderful facility.
“It was an honour to cut the cake and officially open the Hub which is truly accessible for all in our community. Thank you for those that joined us today and I encourage those who were unable to make it, to pop along and come and use this space.”
Aveley Community Hub is home to the following facilities:
Aveley library – open on a self-serve basis Monday, Wednesday and Friday 10am to 5pm, and open with library staff on Tuesdays 10am to 1pm, and 2pm to 5pm
Explorers Aveley – a private nursery providing quality care from professional staff for all children
Coffee and Snack Bar – open weekdays from 9.30am to 3.30pm, and Saturday 9.30am to 1pm. The café also supports a meal delivery service
seven public computers and a study area
a Changing Places Toilet facility to help people with multiple and complex disabilities
a hall with a fully equipped caterers’ kitchen and two rooms for hire
bespoke Thurrock Adult Community College programmes and volunteer opportunities
opportunities for community groups to use the space – Beavers, Cubs and Scouts, exercise groups and toddler groups, and a community partnership with Thurrock Foodbank to support local residents, currently hire the hub’s facilities
For the latest information on the hub please visit the Aveley Community Hub’s Facebook page.