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Vienna: Munir Ahmed Mughal organized a breakfast for Amjad Bhatti to become the President of Pakistan Awami Party Austria

Austria Vienna Munir Ahmad Mughal organized a ceremony for Amjad Bhatti to become the President of Pakistan Awami Party Austria. The program was held at ten o’clock in the morning on Labor Day, Monday, May 1, at a local restaurant in Vienna.

The program started with the recitation of the Holy Quran by Furqan Hameed Mohsin Baloch. Irfan Shahid performed the duties of organizing the program in a very beautiful manner. In which the Pakistani community from all over Austria, religious, political, welfare and sports business community participated in large numbers.

In which His Excellency and host Munir Ahmad Mughal, Daniel Jhangir Chairman Pakistan Awami Party, Gulzar Ahmed who came from Germany, President Kashmir Afair Committee Austria Professor Shaukat Awan, Pak Friends Austria President Ghulam Mustafa Baloch, Muhammad Mohsin Baloch, Muhammad Riaz Baloch, Maher Abdul Sattar, Nadeem Chaudhry, Amjad Chatta, Malik Amin Awan, Muhammad Arshad Bajwa, Rana Qamar Zaheer, Rana Riaz, Muhammad Nasser. Salzburg, Amjad Afridi, Gulam Azhar, Akhlaq Sahi, Adnan Virk, Sufyan Virk President of Pakistan Awami Party Austria Amjad Parvez Bhatti, Hafiz Muhammad Afaq, Arslan Arshad Gujjar, Muhammad Bilal Mughal, Arshad Bajwa, Irfan Shahid and other members were included.

On this occasion, Daniyal Jhangir Chairman Pakistan Awami Party elected Amjad Pervez Bhatti as the President in Austria and issued him a formal presidency notification. The speakers who expressed their thoughts on this occasion included Daniel Jhangir, Chairman Pakistan Awami Party, guest from Germany Gulzar Ahmed, President of Pakistan Friends Austria Ghulam Mustafa, President Pakistan Awami Party Austria Amjad Parvez Bhatti, Kashmir Affairs Committee, Austrian President Professor Shaukat Musrat Awan, Arshad Bajwa, Malik Amin Awan and host Munir Ahmed Mughal were present.

The manifesto of Pakistan Awami Party is to inform the people of Pakistan about their fundamental rights and to promote education in Pakistan. It was further said that we want to do something for Pakistan so that the name of Pakistan is popular all over the world. Our aim is to take Pakistan forward and make its name bright in the world. The background of the current political situation is before you.

We want to come to power and take Pakistan out of poverty and crisis. There are many issues keeping this party in mind. Later, the guests were treated to delicious traditional food for breakfast. At the end, the Honorable Munir Ahmed Mughal, the host, thanked everyone for coming to the breakfast.

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