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27th October was observed as Black Day organized by All Party International Kashmir Coordination Committee

LONDON,(TW) __The Chairman Global Pak Kashmir Supreme Council and Excutive member All Party International Co-ordination Kashmir Committee Raja Sikander Khan and President Global Pak Kashmir Supreme Council Kala Khan in their joint statement to media stated that the Kashmiri organisations along with Pakistani/Kashmiri political parties in UK have got together and formed a All Party International Kashmir Co-ordination Committee and with the collaboration of everyone a very well organised peacefull protest and march was organised by The All Party International Kashmir Co-ordination Committee and very managed and marked the black day of 27th October as this date is seen as the beginning of the unresolved kashmir conflict, on 27th October 1947 the Indian Armed Forces invaded the Jammu & Kashmir and took over by force the occupation of Illegally Indian occupied Kashmir which has led to decades of political turmoil, human rights voilations and suffering for the people of Kashmir and to show their support and solidarity with the innocent suffering oppressed people of Illegally Indian Occupied Kashmir.

People from all walks of life from all the major cities of UK arrived in London in coaches
and all gathered outside the British Prime Ministers residence 10, Downing Street London Westminster and protested there for hour an half and than marched to Indian High Commission where the protesters made speeches and slogans against the Indian Armed Forces and their illegal occupation and demanded to stop the atrocities along with the human rights violation and demanded their birth right of self determination.

Amongst the speakers were President All Party International Co-ordination Kashmir Committee Fahim Kayani along with his secretary General Inam Ul Haq Nami, whom had continuously worked day & night travelling to various cities of UK and held meetings with community leaders to motivate Kashmiri/Pakistani community for the 27th October protest & march in London, also amongst the speakers were Raja Sikander Khan, Ch Kala Khan, a prominent Kashmiri Leader from Indian Occupied Kashmir Nazir Qureshi, Ex Mayor Luton Riaz Butt, Ex Minister AJK Dr Riaz Mahmood, Nasir Mir, Ashraf Chughtai, Ch Zahoor Sarwar, Ch M Azeem, Azhar Chohan, Shahnaz Siddique, Dr Sheikh Ramzy, Azad Jarral, Zubaid Khan Advocate, Cllr Abdul Tarar, Shakeela Bibi, Rehana Ali Advocate, Imran Khalid, Mufti M Khalid.

All Parties leadership Mufti Fazal Qadari , Molana imran ul haq Deputy Secretary General APIKCC , Ch Ramzan , Raja Fazal Rehman, Ch Ikram ul haq , Raja Naveed Khan, Cllr M Sharif ,Raja Faras, Sakhawat Hussain, Shakeel Khan , Zafar Qureshi From Indian occupied Jammu & Kashmir , Shoaib Abbasi ,Ch M ilyas , Javed Abbasi , Ch Sajid , Cllr Ch M Ifthikhar, Cllr Majid Hussain , Qamar Affaqi, Mehmood , Dr M Yasin , Zahid Iqbal , Former Cllr Shakeel Hussain, Azhar Warriach ,Ch Muhammad Ilyas, Cllr Idrees , Ex Nayor Slough Amjad Abbasi, Ch Zakria, Ch Denish, M Zayn Khan, Hashim Khan, Ch Tariq, Zeeshan Ali, Tahir Ishaq, MUDASSAR Gurdhezi Haider Khan, Daud Khan & others also condemned indian occupation of Jammu & Kashmir.

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