VIENNA : The UNCAV United Nations Correspondence Association Vienna organized board members annual meeting and exchange of ideas innovations and planned projects for 2024 held on Wednesday, November 8th, 2023 from 6:30 p.m in Restaurant BIERIGER Club rooms 1st floor Schweglerstrasse 37 1150 Vienna.
Various journalist members took a special part in this occasion. Welcome and First, the President DI Abdallah Sharief delivered his address and thanked everyone for attending today’s meeting.

He said that I am very happy that in the last year two women of our members of the executive committee who worked very hard and organized great programs and events within the United Nations, including Marizel Rojas and Saschka Zhurkov. I want to thank them. I am very happy we have people in our team who give us new ideas and help our team reach success.
He further said, “I stand by all my members and am always there for them. On this occasion, Vice President Dr. Josef Siegele said that our team consists of various journalists from all around the world. He said about UNCAV United Nations Correspondents Association Vienna is an independent organization that is not committed to political, religious or economic institutions and that acts in a spirit of unifying nations and is internationally networked in the spirit of the UN.

The Association of UN Correspondents in Vienna (UNCAV) was founded on 27 February 1985 in Vienna, with the present seat in the UNO-City / Vienna International Center (VIC). At that time, the UNCAV consisted mainly of accredited representatives of international media at the UN and Austrian media representatives.
Today we count over 150 members from different countries and continents. Currently, the fortunes of the Board and President Abdallah Sharief and his Vice President Dr. Ing. Josef Siegele, Igor Belov and Klaus Wintersperger.

Relations between the Association of UNO Correspondents in Vienna and the United Nations are based on the Statutes of the Association of UN Correspondents (GV version of 12 December 2014 – Re-promulgation), which embodies the principles of the UNCAV. Because of the crucial role and growing influence of the United Nations in the world, the number of correspondents also grew.
Employed journalists of the print media, editors, part-time media representatives, press photographers, employees of the embassies and missions located in Austria, writers, publicists, interpreters, translators and other supporters have worked closely from the beginning and their professional interests, reporting on the UN Authorities in Vienna, perceived and promoted.

The purpose of the UNCAV, whose activities are not for profit, is to promote the professional interests of newspaper, magazine, radio, television and internet journalists, through the UN authorities in Vienna, UN-related NGOs and public institutions, etc. report, perceive and promote.
In particular, the Association ensures that its members are not subjected to any form of discrimination. Finally, after a sumptuous dinner, President DI Abdalla Sharief, Vice President Dr. Josef Siegele, Secretary General Hermann Kroiher and Treasurer Theresia Gmeiner, And executive board members thanked everyone for coming to the meeting and dinner.