Tears have dried up while crying. The mountains of oppression are being broken in occupied Kashmir. Has humanity become so cheap?
As you know, whenever I have picked up my pen, I have always picked it up for humanity and peace. But now it seems that enough has passed, perhaps there is no one listening in these walls. The purpose of my column is to express solidarity with the oppressed who have been grinding in the mill of oppression for many years. My column is to express solidarity with the innocent and oppressed Kashmiri brothers and sisters of Kashmir. February 5 as Kashmir Solidarity Day. Now, every day is a day to express solidarity, but it is still not enough, because the Modi government broke all records of cruelty and barbarity, on August 5, 2019, it forcibly unilaterally, ignoring UN resolutions, abolished the special status of Kashmir, and then the siege and lockdown continue to this day due to fear of resistance. The Kashmir Valley, along with the military cantonment, has turned into the world’s largest prison, in which 9 million people are struggling for life and death due to severe shortage of food, medicine, and severe cold.
Some thoughts on this fact…
The story of the atmosphere of mistrust in the bilateral relations between the two nuclear powers, Pakistan and India, and the process of taking each other ahead of each other on every relevant issue, making each other lose their way and belittling each other is very long and from time to time there are ups and downs of the successes and failures of the parties. Although during this time there was a war and a dispute between the two countries, as history shows, even after the loss of human lives and destruction in the war, there are still negotiations for a final solution, on which the parties have to sit together unarmed. But if we examine the recent past, since Narendra Modi assumed the office of Indian Prime Minister, the traditional coldness in the relations between the two countries has been taking a frighteningly different form due to the various steps taken by India.

Which is called “Occupied Kashmir”….
It is a state located in the northwest of the Indian subcontinent with a total area of 69547 square miles. This state was divided into Jammu and Kashmir after 1947. At present, India is forcibly occupying 39102 square miles, which is called “Occupied Kashmir”. Its capital is Srinagar, the remaining area is called Azad Kashmir, which is spread over an area of 25 thousand square miles and its capital is Muzaffarabad. The total population of the state is about one crore, of which 4 million are in Azad Kashmir. Hindu kings ruled this area for about 4 thousand years. In 1846, the British sold the state of Jammu and Kashmir to the Dogra Raja Ghulam Sindh for 75 lakh rupees. The population of Kashmir consists of 80 percent Muslims. The Hindu king had enslaved Muslims by force of the sword. After the partition of India, the Hindu Maharaja Hari Singh announced his accession to India on October 26, 1947, against the will of the Muslims, which resulted in a war between Pakistan and India. A ceasefire was declared on January 1, 1949, following the intervention of the Security Council. In two resolutions passed in 1948, the Security Council called on India and Pakistan to withdraw their forces from Kashmir and hold a plebiscite in the valley. At that time, Indian Prime Minister Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru promised to hold a plebiscite, but later reneged on this promise. Pakistan established the state of Azad Kashmir in the area liberated from India, while the conflict over occupied Kashmir still continues. India further perpetuated the Kashmir independence movement by unilaterally dividing it, although the UN global forum has recognized the demand of the Kashmiri people for a plebiscite in order to resolve this issue.
More than 4 million Kashmiris have become homeless. …
By the way, Kashmiri freedom fighters have been fighting this war of independence for the last 70 years, as a result of which more than 4 million Kashmiris have become homeless, while more than 150,000 people have lost their lives in this path of freedom. For 70 years, the Indian soldiers, special forces and police stationed there, whose number has increased to more than 800,000 today, have made life difficult for the unarmed Muslim Kashmiris.
Millions of children are becoming orphans…
On a daily basis, women’s chastity is being violated, their mothers and sisters are being robbed of their rights, millions of children are becoming orphans, but even today, the same voice is echoing on the lips of these Kashmiris: “Kashmir will become Pakistan”. The atrocities of the Indian forces are increasing day by day, under which not only men, women and children are being martyred, but even the elderly are not being spared. The extent of the cruelty is that the eyes of young boys and youth of Kashmir are being gouged out, they are being shot with rubber and iron bullets that are so deadly that they are fired at large animals like rhinos and elephants during hunting and are forbidden for humans. As a result of these tactics of oppression, countless people are becoming disabled. But except for Allah, no one in the world is aware of their real situation. The world forum and the United Nations are also watching this cruelty and barbarity as silent spectators, while the champion of human rights, America, is using it to improve trade relations with India. Perhaps it has recognized occupied Kashmir as a part of India, it is busy patronizing India in some way or the other. Pakistan has always provided moral and diplomatic support to its brothers and sisters against the mountains of cruelty being broken in occupied Kashmir and the way Indian forces are occupying there. We believe that Pakistan’s commitment to the Kashmir cause is unwavering.
Mistreatment of minorities in India…
Stories of mistreatment of minorities in India are now commonplace. Be it Muslims, Sikhs or other minorities, they are not safe in India. The greatest champion and advocate of democracy is now being exposed before the world. The world is seeing its true face, how corrupt and disgusting it is. India’s brutal acts of oppression and violence in Kashmir for the past three decades have shaken civilized nations. The echoes of these atrocities have been heard many times in the United Nations. But it is unfortunate that the world has not taken any serious notice of it.
This is why India’s morale is very high. India does not stop from its arbitrary actions against minorities. For the past several years, India has been making hateful statements against Pakistan in the conferences held every year under the United Nations. The speeches of Indian representatives were targeted at the terrorist incidents taking place in Pakistan and the region. India always linked them to Pakistan without any evidence, with the aim of humiliating and disgracing Pakistan in the international community so that it would appear inferior and weak in the eyes of the international community.
The UN Human Rights Sector has blacklisted 265 such Indian organizations and websites…
However, in 2018, the head of the International Human Rights Movement, Rana Basharat, not only exposed India’s nefarious propaganda against Pakistan at a conference held at the United Nations, but also convinced the world that India’s propaganda is based on illogical facts and is filled with the most poisonous substance of hatred. The effect of this positive response was that India avoided any kind of negative propaganda against Pakistan at the conference held this year. Not only this, but it also happened that the UN Human Rights Sector blacklisted 265 Indian organizations and websites that were engaged in negative and nefarious propaganda against Pakistan.
India has suffered a blow due to our retaliation on this front and this year it could not even set up a camp at the United Nations, which is being interpreted as a major diplomatic success of Pakistan and a failure of India. What the BJP is doing against minorities in India is no longer a secret. The BJP is Narendra Modi’s party, which made the lives of minorities difficult after coming to power in 2014. The way it targeted Muslims and other minorities at the hands of extremist Hindus and created suffering and hardship for them step by step. History is a witness to this. Despite constitutional protections, Muslims in India are subjected to systematic discrimination, prejudice, brutal beatings and violence. More than eight lakh Indian troops are besieging the valley in occupied Jammu and Kashmir. This has been going on continuously for the last three decades. International media representatives tried to come to Srinagar several times to inform the world about the situation in Kashmir, but the Indian government did not allow them to come to Kashmir.
India’s local media is also suppressing the voice of minorities…
India’s local media is also supporting its government in suppressing the voice of minorities and despite having all the information, it is unable to become the voice of minorities. Which shows that the media in India has also been brought under influence so that the stories of Indian mistreatment of minorities cannot come to light and the world remains unaware and ignorant of it. But how long will this happen and continue to happen. The time has finally come when the real face of India will be exposed to the world and the world will know how far away from democratic values those who sing the melody of democracy are. All the minorities living in India have Indian citizenship. Therefore, the protection of their constitutional and human rights should also be the responsibility of the Indian government, and we should keep raising our voice for it at all times, every moment.
Kashmir will definitely be free….
My heart testifies that one day Kashmir will definitely be free, the sacrifices of the Kashmiri people will not go in vain and they will be able to live with freedom. I hope that you have understood my column and you will all become my voice. The truth can never be hidden.