Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. April 29, 2024 : Kashmir Committee, Jeddah and Jammu Kashmir Overseas Community, Jeddah along with the Consulate General of Pakistan arranged an impressive reception in honor of Dr. Ghulam Nabi Fai, Secretary General, World Kashmir Awareness Forum, Washington, D.C. which was attended by huge number of Saudi intellectuals, scholars and noted personalities besides the members of Kashmiri and Pakistani community.
Dr. Fai thanked the hosts for inviting him to talk about the situation in Kashmir at a time when the nation of Kashmir is facing an existential threat. He thanked His Majesty’s government for its principle stand on the Kashmir dispute which was further articulated only this month by His Royal Highness, Crown Prince Mohmmad Bin Salman during his meeting with Mian Mohammad Shahbaz Sharif, the Prime Minister of Pakistan that Kashmir dispute needs to be resolved through peaceful negotiations. Dr. Fai added that His Royal Highness Crown Prince has developed friendly relations with both India and Pakistan. He can persuade both parties to initiate peace process with which the United Nations as well as the people of Jammu and Kashmir will be associated so as to ensure that settlement arrived at will be based on the principle of justice.”

Dr. Fai added that certain characteristics of the situation in Kashmir distinguish it from other deplorable human rights situations around the world. It prevails in what is recognized under international law and by the United States as a disputed territory whose status is to be determined by the free vote of its people under U.N. supervision.
“India’s occupation of Kashmir has been left undisturbed by the international community, even though its validity has never been accepted. At no stage, however, have the people of Kashmir shown themselves to be reconciled to it,” Fai emphasized.
Major General ® Abdullah Bin Saeed Alghamdi said, “On August 5, 2019, India moved to alter the disputed status of Indian illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir and changed its demographic structure. The illegal and unilateral Indian actions have been rejected by the Kashmiri people, and by the international community for being in violation of International Law, relevant UN Security Council resolutions, and India’s own solemn commitments made to the people of Kashmir.”
General Alghamdi added that “For more five years now, Kashmiris have been prisoners in their own homes, aliens in their own land, and unable to walk freely on their own streets. Over 900,000 Indian occupation forces, holding 8 million Kashmiris, have turned the occupied territory into the world’s largest open prison. Despite the horrendous nature and scale of Indian atrocities, and facing the worst form of Indian state terrorism, the people of Kashmir have demonstrated remarkable courage, strength and resilience. They have proved that India cannot break their will with the use of brute force. We re-affirm our uncinching support to the people of Kashmir in their just struggle.”
The Consul General Khalid Majeed in his speech welcomed Dr. Fai in Jeddah and paid tribute to the long struggle of the people of Kashmir for their struggle of right to self-determination. The Consul General emphasized that the people and nation of Pakistan will always support diplomatically and politically their brethren in Kashmir. It is the inherent desire of every Pakistani to help the people of Kashmir until they achieve their legitimate right to self-determination as enshrined in the UN security Council resolutions.
Mr. Masud Ahmed Puri, President of Kashmir Committee, Jeddah said that the Committee has been working for the last 40 years to educate our Saudi brethren about the situation in Kashmir. It was more than thirty years when they received the first high level delegation of All Parties Hurriyat Conference, headed by Mirwaiz Umar Farooq in 1994. Then again veteran Kashmir leader, Syed Ali Geelani when he came to perform Hajj.
Professor (Dr.) Faiz Al-Abideen warned that the deadlock of Kashmir dispute has meant indescribable agony for the people of Kashmir and incalculable loss for both India and Pakistan. India cannot sweep the facts under the galicha. The truth is too painfully obvious. Isn’t it time that world powers ask the people of Kashmir what they really want? Dr. Abideen urged the Kashmiri diaspora community to initiate a signature campaign for the release of Mr. Malik. This campaign should be designed to mobilize ‘European Court of Human Rights’ to make sure that Mohammad Yasin Malik is ultimate free. He said that it will be honor to welcome Mr. Malik on his way to perform Umarah in the holy city of Makkah.
Mr. Farooq Rehmani, former Convener, All Parties Hurriyat Conference said that the heart of the matter is that Kashmir is an occupied country. Its sovereignty and right to self-determination is being ignored. India insists that this state is an integral part of India and refuses to negotiate in any manner with the people of Kashmir or with Pakistan. The claim is rejected not only by the people of Kashmir but also by the international community.
Sardar Waqas, President, Jammu Kashmir Overseas Community Jeddah said that the world knows that the central bone of contention regarding tensions between India and Pakistan is the ongoing 76-year conflict over Kashmir. The denial of self-determination to the people of Kashmir has brought both India and Pakistan to the brink of nuclear catastrophe.
Ustaz Salim Al-Qahtani, Saudi businessman urged the OIC to extend tangible support to the people of Kashmir during these difficult times. The situation in Kashmir is no different than that of Gaza, Al-Qahtani added.
The meeting was concluded by offering special Du’a for the martyrs of Gaza and Kashmir.
Dr. Fai is also Chairman, World Forum for Peace & Justice.
He can be reached at: WhatsApp: 1-202-607-6435 or [email protected]