Today, May 3, Freedom of the Press Day is celebrated all over the world. On this day, journalists renew their pledge to fight for the fundamental right of the public to access information in an independent, responsible and fearless manner without fear of terrorist attacks by extremists, other pressure groups and violent elements or state pressure. will remain while continuing to discharge their professional duties uniformly. In this regard, The International World Press Freedom Day was celebrated at the United Nations in Vienna, Austria. Which was celebrated by UNCAV and ENFiD-Austria. A large number of journalists, UNO diplomats and Ambassadors attended the occasion. The special feature of the program was that various speakers gave their views and music dance was arranged.
Opening Number – UN Choir, Conductpr Sandro Santander. The moderator of the program was Marizel Rojas ENFiD-Austria President, UNCAV Board Member who very graciously welcomed all the attendees to the program and invited the speakers from time to time. First of all, Welcome Remarks – DI Abdalla Sharief, UNCAV President came and gave his speech and thanked everyone before the speech. He explained how UNCAV is working for journalists. And today on the Day of Journalism, he congratulated all the journalist community all over the world. Among the speakers who gave speeches were.

Mr Martin Nesirky, Director, United Nations Information System (UNIS). On this occasion, he said that Journalist’s play a very important role for any country. And he also read the message of UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres.
“A free press is the blood of the organism of democracy,” said UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres today. “It is the guarantor for freedom of expression and for the protection of human rights. If freedom of the press dies, freedom dies.”
HE Ambassador Magdi Ahmed Mofdal Elnour, Sudan,
The Ambassador of Sudan said on the occasion that the situation in our country is very bad right now, we hope that it will get better soon, however, we are always with journalists and we have always treated journalists with respect. I would like to congratulate all the journalists of the world on this occasion.

Folkdance – Bulgarian-Austrian School – to be introduced by Mag. Saschka Zhurkov. She explained that I have been working as a journalist in Austria for a long time. I am the chief editor of two newspapers here. I am serving you people through these newspapers. My best wishes to all journalists around the world today. And today I have specially brought some artists from Bulgaria with me. So that they can introduce our culture here.
Attorney Crystal Dias, UK Solicitor, Founding Partner at Dias Solicitors/, London, United Kingdom. She said First of all I would like to thank all the people here. I am very happy to be invited here today from England specially to express my opinion today on Freedom of Press Day I have been working as a lawyer in England for a long time. However, as soon as I get time, I continue to write my articles in newspapers. I keep giving my messages to the world regarding humanity that living in peace should be the principle of our life. Today I would like to share how we and our organization are serving in England. Finally, I wish everyone a very happy day from me.
Also Remarks Dr.h.c. Mag. Dr. Josef Siegele, UNCAV 1st Vice President. Speaking about the freedom of the press, It has been stated by UNESCO that the organization has committed to achieve the sustainable development goals for 2030 so that poverty will be eradicated from the world, humanity will be blessed with prosperity, the ideal of world peace will be promoted and the planet will be protected. The above objectives should be vigorously pursued for conservation. However, this goal will be achieved only when the quality of information is high and journalism is free and protected from all kinds of threats and terrorist attacks, while the global situation is the opposite. Journalism is in danger in the third world. On this day, freedom of the press is declared as the basic principle of democracy. They have sacrificed their lives while performing their duties by standing up against oppression. In 1993, Journalism Day was announced. UNESCO, at its 26th session, recommended that the day be celebrated globally in response to an appeal by African journalists to unite to hold aloft the banner of freedom and pluralism. It was said. In the present era, media is an essential unit for the survival of the society and keeping it dynamic. Without media, the present social, economic and cultural system cannot survive. Media plays many important activities in society. Providing information is the most important function of media. Media ensures the provision of information about various matters to all the details of the society. Apart from this, the media also communicates these values among the different sections of the society due to which the balance of the society is maintained. In between the speeches of the speakers, various groups gave their performances which included dances and songs which also included them.

Special Performance – Vienna International Centre Group of Polynesian Friends (VIC GPF),Special Performance – Ms Yonka Dragomanska and Special Performance – Mamadou Diabetes, Burkina Faso, African drums and balloons.
Specially on this occasion, journalist award was given by 1st UNCAV World Press Freedom Day Special Award – Ms Veronika Crowe Mayerhofer. Who devoted his life to journalism.
Closing Remarks – Dr.h.c. Mag. Dr. Josef Siegele, UNCAV 1st Vice President thanked all the people for coming to the program and invited all the guests for lunch.