What I am writing, I hope that the readers will know from this history why Takbeer Day is celebrated in Pakistan and what its reality is.

Day of Takbeer: The guarantor of the balance of power in the region. May 28, 1998 is an important day in the history of the world, this is the day when Pakistan came out as the seventh nuclear power in the world and the first nuclear power of the Muslim Ummah. On that day, Pakistan’s eminent nuclear scientists conducted five nuclear explosions in the mountains of Chagai. On Thursday afternoon at 3:40 PM, Pakistan had destroyed the pride of the neighboring country by carrying out five nuclear explosions one after the other.

The force of the explosions in Chagai was 50 kilotons compared to India’s 43 kilotons. India created threats to the security and freedom of Pakistan after the explosions of atomic bombs, thermonuclear (hydrogen) and neutron bombs on May 11 and 13, 1998, and by disrupting the balance of power in the region, it paved the way for the fulfillment of Indian aggressive ambitions. It was necessary to answer. Pakistan’s nuclear tests were not supported by America and Western countries. American President Bill Clinton, British Prime Minister Tony Blair and Japanese Prime Minister Keizo Obuchi strongly pressured Pakistan not to carry out nuclear explosions, otherwise severe economic and international sanctions will be imposed. On the other hand, the recalcitrant Indian government had started gathering troops on the Line of Control after the nuclear explosion.

Indian Home Minister LK Advani ordered the Indian Army to enter Azad Kashmir to destroy Mujahideen camps, while Indian Defense Minister George Fernandes went so far as to threaten Pakistan by arming the Indian Army with nuclear weapons. Will be sent. Indian conspiracies of aggressive actions against Pakistan were on the rise. It is an undeniable fact that the clear purpose of India’s nuclear explosions was solely to change the balance of power in the region in its favor and to take aggressive actions against Pakistan. It was even said by Indian scientists that the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBTO) is not for India but for weak countries, but nature agreed otherwise. Former Prime Minister Zulfikar Ali Bhutto’s dream of equipping Pakistan with nuclear capabilities, India’s first nuclear explosion (1974) turned it into a firm intention and from that day on, he was on the path to making Pakistan a nuclear power.

became active in the struggle to put Bhutto had already said regarding arms limitation that if India makes an atomic bomb, even if we have to eat grass, we will definitely make an atomic bomb. In May 1998, under the supervision of Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan and in the presence of other national scientists, when nuclear explosions were carried out, the entire Muslim Ummah became proud. The people of Pakistan offered Nawafl in gratitude. The United States continued its efforts to prevent the then Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif from detonating nuclear weapons until the last moment, but the government refused any kind of negotiation on national security and national sovereignty. After blasting, Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif gave a historic speech on radio and television and rightly said that we have failed India.

A cowardly enemy can never kill blood at night. He said that despite the defense sanctions, Pakistan has become a nuclear power. This year, on the occasion of the silver jubilee of Yom Takbeer, the Pakistan Army paid tribute to the scientists who made the country a nuclear power. The entire nation celebrated the Silver Jubilee of Yom Takbeer, remembering the obstacles and the sacrifices made by the great achievers of minimally credible deterrence. Indeed, the success of this battle has reshaped the power dynamics of our region, despite the many challenges, the armed forces paid tribute to the brilliant minds behind this success. Pakistan Army Public Relations (ISPR) said that we salute the scientists and engineers who made the impossible a reality.

The spokesperson of the Pakistan Air Force said that on the occasion of the silver jubilee of the nuclear tests conducted by Pakistan, the Pakistan Air Force salutes the determination of the entire Pakistani nation. On May 28, 1998, Pakistan proved its nuclear capability by detonating nuclear weapons in response to India’s provocative nuclear tests. The Pakistan Air Force, meanwhile, transported nuclear and sensitive equipment to the test site through its C130 aircraft. Pakistan Air Force fighter jets provided full air security before and during the test. Meanwhile, the fighter jets of the Pakistan Air Force remained on high alert while our Shaheen pilots were fully prepared to deal with any kind of enemy aggression and protect the sovereignty of Pakistan.

On the occasion of this historic day, the Pakistan Air Force reiterates its commitment to protect the air borders of Pakistan that it will continue to defend the air borders of the country with the same dedication and determination. Undoubtedly, the Pakistani nation is not less than the world in terms of ability, ability and spirit in any field, this is proved by our eminent scientists by conducting a successful nuclear explosion under the leadership of Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan, while our brave forces defeated the enemy on several occasions. He explained to him that every evil eye that rises towards Pakistan will be destroyed. Of course, the Indian pilot Abhinandan must have reminded his so-called surmai as soon as he stepped back in his country. In 1965, the Pakistani nation told the world that we are completely united in the matter of homeland defense and the entire nation is always ready to fight and die alongside Pakistan’s forces despite all internal and political differences.

Even after the tragic events of May 9, 2023, the world has seen that no matter what happens, there has been no difference in the strong relationship between the Pakistani nation and the Pakistan Army. Of course, on May 28, 1998, as a result of these tireless efforts and great sacrifices, we became a nuclear power and Alhamdulillah! Our defense is also impregnable, that’s why our traditional enemy can’t even dare to look at the holy land with an evil eye, but this is not our final destination. Now we should seriously focus on economic stability because our enemy cannot compete with us on the war front, that’s why sometimes he tries to create drought by withholding our water and sometimes by releasing the same water to flood us. Starts dreaming of harm.

It is also a bitter reality that our neighbor is leaving us behind economically, so we as a nation have to pay attention to this aspect as well. In this, the first responsibility of our rulers, economists and investors is to guide the nation in the right way and just as we decide that we will live by eating grass but we will definitely make atomic bombs. Therefore, we have to completely stop imports and live on products produced and manufactured within our country, because as long as we continue to depend on imports, it is difficult to recover the value of the Pakistani rupee against the US dollar. . Just as in 1998, the government showed its determination to make the country a nuclear power, ignoring all pressures and difficulties, in the same way, our current rulers should now take concrete steps to strengthen the country economically.

Takbeer Day
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