Stop Human Trafficking Worldwide Seminar held in Central London

London : (TW) _ Stop Human Trafficking Worldwide Seminar was organized in Central London in which Chairman of Global Pak Kashmir Supreme Council Raja Sikandar Khan participated as a guest speaker.

He expressed his views and awareness about the most heinous crime of human trafficking and emphasized the urgent need to tackle the multi-billion dollar human trafficking trade. It includes kidnapping and trafficking of women and children who are subjected to slavery, forced labor and sexual exploitation and trafficked to different parts of the world.

The conference began by Dr S Ramzy’s welcoming address and introduction to the event, than Saf Buxey and Ali JAVED addressed the understanding human trafficking and its policies in a very comprehensively manner and Rehana Ali highlighted on the overview of the importance of understanding human trafficking and modern day slavery than the guest speakers were invited on stage to share their views on the subject.

The first speaker was former member of British Parliament Keith Best followed by Chirman Global Pak Kashmir Supreme Council Raja Siknder Khan, Lord Duncan McNair head of the Peace Planet, Lady Kendal Jaggar a Jurnalist, Presenter and Auther, Shoukat Ali Chair of Friends of Labour Party, Lorna Marah UN Women’s Ambassador, Saleem Awan from Charity Begins at Home, Sara Tennent from Medaille Trust, Edna Fernandez from Byhond Conflict, Remi Duli from Albanian/ Kosavan Trafficking Victim Protection and Kristiana Backer a Television Presenter, Jurnalist & Author.

All the guest speakers shared their views and showed an eager committmemt in supporting the team of Stop the Human Trafficking Worldwide.

Chairman Global Pak Kashmir Supreme Council in his speech praised the organisers of the event for the wonderful job they doing for the sake of Humanity and for the betterment of future generation, Raja Sikander further stated that in Islam it says that if you’ve saved one innocent life it’s though you’ve saved all the mankind and its multi billions Dollars trade we are dealing with big gangs and Mafias and we should all support the organisers morally and financial to create further awareness to the masses and to tackle the very concerning issue of Human trafficking.

Stop Human Trafficking Worldwide
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