Raja Sikandar Khan and Raja Fahim Kayani will attend the British Parliament on the occasion of Kashmir Solidarity Day on February 5.

Raja Sikandar Khan and Raja Fahim Kayani will attend the British Parliament on the occasion of Kashmir Solidarity Day on February 5.

LONDON : Chairman Global Pak Kashmir Supreme Council & Executive Member All Party International Kashmir Co-ordination Committee Raja Sikander Khan in collaboration with President All Party International Kashmir Co-ordination Committee Raja Fahim Kayani are hosting a International Kashmir Confeence to show their solidarity & support with the oppressed people of Illegally Indian Occupied Kashmir at 4.00pm on Kashmir Solidarity day 5th February at the British Parliament London which will be attended by the British Parliamentarians, Human Rights Activists, Kashmiri Leaders along with people from all walks of life.

5th February is special Kashmir Solidarity day where people all over the world show their solidarity and support by means of Kashmir Conferences, Seminars and protests outside Indian High Commission & Consulates for the oppressed people of illegally Indian Occupied Kashmir.

The All Party International Kashmir Co-ordination Committee has also organised a Kashmir Solidarity Day Conference at 6pm on 4th February at the Sparkbrook Masjid Community Centre, Birmingham where people from all walks of life will join to show their solidarity with the oppressed people of Illegally Indian Occupied Jammu & Kashmir.

Raja Fahim Kayani and Raja Sikander Khan have jointly requested British Pakistani/ Kashmiri’s living in UK to participate in these events to show solidarity and support with the innocent oppressed people of Illegally Indian Occupied Kashmir whom have being suffering human rights voilations and atrocities by the hands of brutal Indian armed forces for their fundamental birthright of self determination.

Kashmir Solidarity Day
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