On October 27, 1947, India landed its troops in Kashmir and illegally occupied it.

As you all know that my pen has always been raised for the cause of humanity. There are many big wars going on in different countries in the world. I want to talk about a war that has not ended for many years now. Where the blood of humanity is being spilled and the world is watching, there is no one to raise a voice against it. I want to express my solidarity with my Kashmiri brothers and sisters who have been oppressed by India for many years. Well, now I am writing my column, I hope you people will know about the truth and reality after reading it.

On October 27, 1947, India landed its troops in Kashmir and illegally occupied it…….

On October 27, 1947, India landed its troops in Kashmir and illegally occupied it, which is still in place. The Pakistani people, the government of Pakistan and Kashmiris living around the world celebrate October 27 as Black Day every year. Since October 27, 1947, such a period of human rights violations began that Kashmiris were completely deprived of their basic human rights. Despite the brutal tactics and oppression of the Indian forces, Kashmiris have not retreated an inch from their demand for self-determination. India should read the writing on the wall and follow the UN resolutions for a peaceful resolution of the Kashmir conflict. On this day 74 years ago, India They had landed their forces in Srinagar to suppress, terrify, subjugate the innocent people of Occupied Jammu and Kashmir and occupy Occupied Kashmir. India’s oppression continues even today.

Kashmiri is the only nation in the world which has seen the longest military siege in the history of the world, it is still under the siege of the Indian army and is fighting it with great courage and perseverance. 

Young Kashmiri leader Burhan Wani:-
Despite promises from the international community and several resolutions of the United Nations Security Council regarding Jammu and Kashmir, the Indian government has created an atmosphere of terror in Occupied Kashmir and India refuses to fulfill its promises. They said that after the extra-judicial martyrdom of the young Kashmiri leader Burhan Wani on July 8, the Indian occupying forces have intensified their cruel tactics. State terrorism has reached its peak. The people of Jammu and Kashmir have been resisting the Indian occupation for the past 70 years, are involved in the freedom struggle, and are facing the worst kind of Indian state terrorism. They have bravely faced Indian subjugation and atrocities and New Delhi has failed to intimidate them.On October 27, 1947, the sufferings of the people began with the landing of the Indian army in Jammu and Kashmir. Therefore, this day is celebrated as Black Day wherever Kashmiris live around the world.

This is a fact…
It is a fact that in 1947, India ignored the Independence Act and the partition plan, saying that the Indian British colony would be divided into two independent states, and sent its troops to Jammu and Kashmir. India forcibly occupied the states of Hyderabad, Junagadh, and Jammu and Kashmir, the first two Hindu-majority states with Muslim rulers, while the Valley had a majority Muslim population but was run by Hindu rulers. The Indian government and Maharaja Hari Singh claimed possession of the Instrument of Accession, but many world historians deny the existence of any such document, arguing that if it existed, the Indian government would not have officially or internationally recognized it. Publish on the forum. It never happened.

Kashmiri people never accepted illegal occupation:-
The Kashmiri people never accepted the illegal occupation and in 1947 started their struggle for freedom through a popular uprising. Meanwhile, the Indian government approached the United Nations Security Council on 1 January 1948, seeking its help in resolving the Kashmir dispute. and adopted two resolutions authorizing a free and impartial referendum under the supervision of the United Nations. These resolutions were passed on 13 August 1948 and 5 January 1949, which were accepted by both Pakistan and India. Only one phase of these resolutions (ceasefire and demarcation of the cease-fire line) has been implemented, while disarmament of the occupied territory and the holding of referendums are still impractical.

Thousands of women became widows, thousands of Kashmiri women were subjected to mass rape:-
From January 1989 to 2021, Indian soldiers martyred nearly 2 lakh Kashmiris, thousands of women became widows, children became orphans, and thousands of Kashmiri women were subjected to mass rape. Rape of women is being used as a weapon of war to intimidate Kashmiris. More than 10,000 innocent youths were missing whose whereabouts could not be traced. While many of them are also feared to be buried in thousands of unmarked graves discovered in the area after Indian soldiers were killed in fake encounters.

Syed Ali Geelani breathed his last and appeared in the presence of his Lord:-
Hundreds of youths have lost one or both of their eyes to bullet wounds, while over a thousand are on the verge of losing their sight. Hundreds of people, including Hurriyat leaders, have been put behind bars. In which last month on September 1, 2021, the hero of Hurriyat, Syed Ali Geelani breathed his last while walking in Occupied Kashmir, Pakistan and appeared in the presence of his Lord, for the freedom struggle he lived for, 92 years of his life. Find eyes with this name by spending.

India has violated all existing treaty restrictions:-
Since August 5, 2019, India has turned Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir into the world’s largest human cage in violation of all existing treaty restrictions. Mass extinctions and population shifts have begun. The political leadership of the IIOJK was detained or placed under house arrest and was forcibly sidelined. Pakistan has never surrendered to the cruel and brutal government of India.Sustainable peace in South Asia is not possible until the Kashmir conflict is resolved. India should follow the policy of life and let live and give self-determination to the Kashmiris according to the UN resolutions. India has pushed the occupied valley into darkness. The lives of 13 million Kashmiris have been made miserable. The demography is changing to turn the majority into a minority. For the last five years, millions of Indians are being resettled in Occupied Kashmir, which is clearly against the resolutions of the United Nations. The occupied valley was made a part of India, Kashmir is controversial and every Lal Nehru himself has admitted that the permanent decision of the valley will be made by referendum according to the aspirations of the Kashmiri people. Cruelty and peace cannot coexist in Kashmir.

Pakistan has always stood with the Kashmiris in their struggle:-
Pakistan has always stood by the Kashmiris in their struggle for self-determination, while global players continue to ignore the solution to the conflict, which has become a humanitarian issue in the region. This issue is an international dispute. However, due to its extremely weak case in the disputed valley, India treats it as a bilateral dispute and refrains from internationalizing the issue. The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussain, said in a report last year regarding Occupied Kashmir. October 27 is Pledge Renewal Day. Let us pledge today that just as the people of Kashmir have been fighting the war for Pakistan for seven decades, we will not hesitate to make any sacrifice for the freedom of Kashmir. Now we should not do our duty by raising the slogan of Kashmir Banega Pakistan. Our Kashmiri leaders who sacrificed their lives in this freedom struggle, their efforts are urgently needed to carry forward this struggle and bring it to fruition.

I hope you will like this column of mine. The truth is always written by my pen.

India landed its troops in Kashmir and illegally occupied it
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