Kashmir diaspora delegation met with Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif

ISLAMABAD, (TW) __ A delegation of Kashmiri Diaspora met with Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharief Sahib at Prime Ministerial secretariat in Islamabad. The delegation included Dr. Ghulam Nabi Fai, Mr. Nazir Qureishi, Mr. Mohammad Ghalib, Mr. Muzzammil Ayub Thakur, Mr. Fahim Kayani, Mr. Zafar Qureishi, Sardar Zulfiqar Roshan Khan and Dr. Waleed Rasool.

The Prime Minister lauded the Kashmiri activists’ efforts for increasing global awareness about the Jammu and Kashmir dispute and the plight of the people of Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir.

He recalled that he had never missed any opportunity to raise his voice in support of the Kashmiri brothers and sisters, as evident from his address at the 2022 UN General Assembly, as well as at other forums including SCO and with other world leaders.

He reaffirmed Pakistan’s unwavering moral, diplomatic and political support for the Kashmiri peoples’ struggle for realization of their inalienable right to self-determination.

The Prime Minister emphasized that durable peace in South Asia was contingent upon a just settlement of the Jammu and Kashmir dispute, in accordance with the relevant UN Security Council resolutions and the aspirations of the Kashmiri people.

The delegation told the Prime Minister that atrocities committed by Indian occupation forces in Kashmir are similar in nature to that of Gaza. Killing of innocent civilians, ethnic cleansing and land grab operation is proceeding at a rapid pace. There is a planned design to wean away school children from Islam as Hindu religious mantras are being narrated in educational institutions. World community especially UN and OIC should take serious notice of these nefarious activities by Indian government and dissuade them from these human right violations.

The delegation highlighted the conditions of the political, prisoners and urged that a strategy needs to be developed to release Yasin Malik, Shabir Ahmed Shah, Masarat Aalam, Aasia Andrabi, Nahid Fehmida, Sofi Nasreen, Khurram Parvaiz, Dr. Hameed Fayaz and others.

Dr. Ghulam Nabi Fai conveyed the deep appreciation of the people of Indian occupied Kashmir to the nation of Pakistan for its unwavering political and diplomatic support in realizing their cherished goal of right to self-determination.

Dr. Fai added that we smell that a few world capitols are persuading both India and Pakistan to develop trade relations. These capitols have consistently sought to dodge the question of sovereignty over Kashmir when that is the heart of the issue, and it can neither be finessed nor be evaded. Fai stressed that they are not against Pakistan developing friendly relations with its neighbors. But three parameters need to be defined about the normalization. One, that the issue of Kashmir is about the right of self-determination. Second, Kashmiri leadership can never be marginalized in any solution. Third, Indian state terrorism and trade relations do not go together.

Mr. Nazir Ahmed Quraishi expressed deep concern regarding the mental health of individuals in Indian-occupied Kashmir following the abrogation of Article 370. He alleged that India has been engaging in the distribution of drugs to the youth and coercing Kashmiris to convert to Hinduism as part of its Hindutva agenda.

Mr. Quraishi also highlighted the difficulties encountered by Kashmiri migrants who relocated to Azad Jammu and Kashmir after 1980. He requested that the government provide support to facilitate their stay and ensure comprehensive assistance for the affected generation.

Muzzammil Ayub Thakur said that transnational repression undertaken by India to assassin dissenters and diaspora leadership in exile is troublesome. He added that Kashmiris need to be empowered to amplify ground sentiments at international level.

Fahim Kayani said that Pakistan should give nationalities to the people of Indian occupied Kashmir whose Indian nationalities have been canceled. He added that a resolution on Syed Ali Geelani was passed in previous government which had three parts. Two parts are still to be implemented. One of the Islamabad universities should be named in his name. Second, his struggle should be included in Pakistan curriculum.

Mohammad Ghalib said that India by enacting Domicile Law is in the process of changing demography of Kashmir. These violations of international law need to be highlighted at the global level. Ghalib added that the struggle of the people of Kashmir is to exercise their right to self-determination guaranteed under UN Security Council resolutions.

Sardar Zulfiqar Roshan Khan said that Azad Kashmir should depute well-informed and seasoned parliamentarians – who are well versed with all the conflicting narratives on Kashmir, including India’s, to selected world capitals, not only in Europe but also in African continent. These parliamentarians should work out clear strategies prior to the meetings and stick to the scripts rather than engage in counterproductive emotional rhetorical statements.

Mr. Zaffar Ahmad Quraishi emphasized that the paramount significance of Pakistan’s unwavering support for the political, diplomatic, and humanitarian endeavors of the Kashmiri people in their pursuit of their inherent right to self-determination. He underscored the imperative for Pakistan to exhaust all avenues to resolve the Kashmir issue. He further highlighted that the universally recognized right to protect, defend, and achieve freedom from foreign occupation, as enshrined in the UN Charter under resolution 3314, 34 and 43 must be extended to Kashmir in the same manner as it has been recently granted to Ukraine.

Dr. Waleed Rasool said that to meet the challenges of the digital era Academia and Research is viable route to reach the global community that matters in geopolitics and geostrategies. The JKA&R initiative demands your personal attention.

Dr. Fai can be reached at:
WhatsApp: 1-202-607-6435. Or. gnfai2003@yahoo.com

Kashmir diaspora delegationPrime Minister Shehbaz Sharif
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