Disease, fueled by Israeli-imposed blockade, could be bigger killer than bombs in Gaza: WHO

Disease, fueled by Israeli-imposed blockade, could be bigger killer than bombs in Gaza: WHO

UNITED NATIONS, (TW) : With the brief “humanitarian pause” between Israel and Palestinians so far failing to result in the delivery of sufficient aid in Gaza, UN officials on Tuesday warned that the spread of disease could soon begin killing more Palestinian people than the deadly Israeli bomb attacks. They said that priorities include transporting fuel to the north of the war-torn enclave, so that it can be used to power hospitals, provide clean water and maintain other vital civilian infrastructure.

Such services have been massively impacted by weeks of Israeli bombardment since Oct 7. Gazan health authorities have reported that more than 15,000 people, mostly women and children, have been killed in attacks to date. In an update from southern Gaza, UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) spokesperson James Elder said that a doctor from Al-Shifa hospital in the north had told him that the threats to children were “very much from the air and now very much on the ground”, in the form of diarrhoea and respiratory infections.

“He was terrified as a medical professional in terms of the disease outbreak that is lurking here and how that will devastate children whose immune systems and lack of food…is making them perilously weak,” Elder added. As negotiations continue for the release of more hostages in return for a prolongation of the pause in fighting, the UNICEF spoke of his dismay at seeing so many youngsters fighting for their lives, “with horrendous wounds of war, (lying) in carparks on makeshift mattresses, in gardens everywhere, doctors having to make horrendous decisions on who they prioritize”

. Another boy whose leg had been blown off in the violence had spent “three or four days” trying to reach the south, delayed by checkpoints, Mr. Elder continued. “The smell (of decomposition) was clear…and that boy had shrapnel all over. Potentially, he was blind and had burns to 50 per cent of his body.” Echoing deep concerns over the scale of needs in Gaza, the UN World Health Organization (WHO) noted that an assessment carried out in the north at the start of the pause in fighting on 24 November had shown that “everybody everywhere has dire health needs”

. Speaking in Geneva, WHO spokesperson Dr. Margaret Harris said that this was “because they are starving, because they lack clean water and they’re crowded together…. basically, if you’re sick, if your child has diarrhoea, if you’ve got a respiratory infection, you’re not going to get any (help).”

In its latest update, the UN aid coordination office, OCHA, said that deliveries of relief supplies have been speeded up south of Wadi Gaza, where the bulk of some estimated 1.7 million internally displaced persons have sought shelter. “Key service providers, including hospitals, water and sanitation facilities and shelters, have continued receiving fuel on a daily basis to operate generators, OCHA reported.

World Health Organization (WHO)
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