Austria -Vienna, UPF, FFWPU and WFWP celebrated the 80th Birthday of Hak Ja Han Moon

Vienna : UPF, FFWPU and WFWP celebrated the 80th Birthday of Hak Ja Han Moon on Sunday, May 7, 2023 in their HQ in Seidengasse 28, 1070 Vienna Austria.

Hak Ja Han Moon is the Co-founder of UPF, FFWPU and Founder of WFWP organizations. The special feature of this program was that it was attended by people from different communities and religions.

The moderator of the program Jessica Wang, thanked all the people in a very friendly manner and called the speakers to the stage.

The program started with “Song of the Garden” a communal song which was sung by Jessica Wang, Alsuko Ezaki and together with all the participants.

This was followed by a special prayer offered by Renate Amesbauer, WFWP President. “Main points in the life of Ms. Hak ja Han Moon” by Elisabeth Cook, Family Federation were presented, when she was born and how much she worked hard in her life.

On the occasion of the 5th anniversary of the event in the Wiener Stadthalle with Dr. Moon and 10,000 visitors a short film Video from the Rally “Peace Starts with Me” 2018 in the Stadthalle with a speech by Ms. Moon was also shown.

Speakers who spoke on the occasion included Marlies Ladstätter, YSP Youth and students for Peace, Mrs. Jeonghye Hassinen, Family Federation Vienna President, Dr. Afsar Rathor, president of LIOS-SOIL ORGANIZATION Vienna, Austria and president of UPF Universal Peace Federation Austria Mr. Peter Haider. All the speakers gave messages of peace and humanity on this occasion.

After that Shirley Dimaano sings with her beautiful voice which people liked very much. A prayer of blessings was presented by Dominique Haider. Finally a wonderful music based on Korean songs was played by Anela Čindrak.

At the end of program the heads of all the organizations thanked the people for coming to the program and invited them to enjoy the buffet prepared for the occasion.

BirthdayFFWPU. WFWPHak Ja Han MoonUPF
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