An open letter to Honorable Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim, Prime Minister of Malaysia

An open letter to Honorable Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim, Prime Minister of Malaysia

Dr. Ghulam Nabi Fai
World Forum for Peace & Justice

The Ummah is exceptionally grateful for your unwearied efforts in advancing the cause of Palestine for the last more than five decades. You have been consistent in pleading the case of ‘two-state solution’ for Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

During an interview with Nikkei Asia in Tokyo, on October 17, 2023, you said about Gaza, “I’m sick of this hypocrisy. It’s not politics.”. “These are humanitarian issues. I would say such hypocrisy is [happening in] many of the so-called countries that promote democracy and human rights.”

South China Morning Post reported on March 7, 2024, that you slammed the West’s inconsistency with international laws in Israel-Gaza war. You also called out the West’s hypocrisy in condemning Russia’s invasion of Ukraine but not supporting a ceasefire in Gaza

You said at Indian Council of World Affairs (ICWA) think-tank in New Delhi on August 22, 2024, that, “I think what we try to do is just to at least give a message, a very clear message, that this hypocrisy must end. I mean, you can’t talk about genocide in Ukraine because bombings of some villages. And 40,000 people killed, well, this is the impact of war, we can condone that. This is shocking, and I call it sheer hypocrisy but not standing to fight it has to end.”

Mr. Prime Minister, in their struggle against the tyranny of foreign occupation and to regain their rights, the people of Kashmir look for support from leaders of conscience and concern like you who stand for freedom and human dignity. Kashmiris realize that the natural sympathy for their cause and suffering has been inhibited by the perception of the Kashmir problem as either a separatist issue or a territorial dispute between India and Pakistan. The truth is that it is neither. The issue involved is first and foremost the issue of self-determination of a people with a defined history and national character of their own, inhibiting a territory which belongs to neither India nor Pakistan.

Their right to determine their future has been explicitly recognized by the United Nations These UN resolutions are not of a routine nature. Their text was meticulously negotiated between India and Pakistan. The assent of two governments was conveyed in writing to the United Nations. They thus not only embody a solemn intentional agreement but have been endorsed repeatedly by the Security Council and by successive UN representatives. These resolutions explicitly recognize the right of the people of Kashmir to determine the future status of their homeland. This right remains unaffected by the non-performance by either side of the provisions of the resolutions.

We are baffled that while the leaders of conscience like Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim criticize the world powers for their double standards and hypocrisy in the case Gaza, the case of Kashmir which is as old as the case of Palestine pending on the agenda of the UN, has been consigned to oblivion.

Honorable Prime Minister, it is reported that you said during an interview with ‘India Today Exclusive’ on August 22, 2024, that “I still consider Kashmir purely domestic issue of India.” Given your expertise and knowledge of international affairs it may be a misquote.

While we appreciate the positive elements of your position on Gaza, we feel we would be remiss in our duty if, with our knowledge of the Kashmir problem, we fail to draw your attention to the following important points. We are not aware of the considerations at the United Nations that has led you to believe that Kashmir is an integral part of India. On the face of it, however, it seems to run directly counter to your widely applauded statements that we must end double standards and hypocrisy in dealing with international conflicts. We are mystified that Malaysia is detaching from the UN a problem such as that relating to the status of the territory of Jammu & Kashmir. A problem which has figured on the active agenda of the UN, and which has been the subject of fourteen substantive resolutions of the Security Council would not seem to be a problem which deserves the attention of the Prime Minister of Malaysia.

It is worth mentioning here that Prime Minister Michelle Bachelet, former United Nations High Commissioner on Human Rights issued a 49 pages report about the situation in Kashmir on June 14, 2018, wherein she recommended to both India and Pakistan to “Fully respect the right of self-determination of the people of Kashmir as protected under international law.”

And Mr. Antonio Guterres, the UN Secretary General said on August 8, 2019, that Kashmir issue has to be resolved under UN charter and under applicable UN Security Council resolutions.

Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim, we are by no means unmindful of the fact that, in your capacity as the leader of Malaysia which has over 10 % population of the people of Indian origin, you have to be impartial between the parties concerned and perceived to be so. However, it is on the ground of the recognized principles of the Charter of the UN and respect for international agreements and for the resolutions of the UN Security Council that we approach you with the appeal that you exercise your good offices to urge India, Pakistan and the genuine Kashmiri leadership to explore a solution of the Kashmir problem in accordance with the wishes and aspiration of the people of all zones of the State of Jammu & Kashmir and also to the satisfaction of both India and Pakistan.

You were also quoted to have said during ICWA press interview that “This is the country that produces leaders like Gandhi ji, who, of course, is unique in his battle for freedom, justice, for humanity.” Mr. Prime Minster, let us listen to Gandhi who said on July 31, 1947, “The people of Kashmir should be asked whether they want to join Pakistan or India. Let them do as they want. The ruler is nothing. The people are everything.”

Gandhi again said on October 26, 1947, “If the people of Kashmir are in favour of opting for Pakistan, no power on earth can stop them from doing so. But they should be left free to decide for themselves. The people cannot be attacked and forced by burning their villages.”

Then Mahatma Gandhi said again that “Kashmir’s real rulers were its people and not its Maharajas. Maharajas were servant of the people. Kashmiris should be left free to decide for themselves.” (Gandhi’s Passion by Professor Stanley Wolpert, Page 247).

Let us not forget what British historian, Bertrand Russell said in 1964, “The high idealism of the Indian government in international matters breaks down completely when confronted with the question of Kashmir.”

Mr. Prime Minister, now, more than ever, we need the support from Malaysia when according to Dr. Gregory Stanton, Chairman, Genocide Watch, “Kashmir is at the brink of genocide”, according to New York based, ‘Committee to Protect Journalists’, “News media in Kashmir is at the brink of extinction,” and according to the New York Times, “Inside Kashmir, Cut off from the World: ‘A Living Hell’ of Anger and Fear.”

Dr. Fai is also the Secretary General, World Kashmir Awareness Forum.
He can be reached at: WhatsApp: 1-202-607-6435. Or.

An open letterDato Seri Anwar IbrahimDr Ghulam nabi faighulam nabi faiPrime Minister of Malaysia
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